Weekly Updates: Clemson Extension Agents Discuss Various Crops

Web AdminSouth Carolina, Specialty Crops

Clemson Extension agents provide updates in the The South Carolina Grower this week about the status of various crops being produced throughout the state. Weekly Field Update Coastal Region Rob Last reports, “In our area, crops are developing well with few pest or disease issues currently. Some brassicas are displaying a reddening to the older leaves associated with reduced phosphorous …

Algal Stem Blotch Becoming Widespread in Georgia

Web AdminBerries, Georgia, Specialty Crops, Top Posts

By Jonathan Oliver Wet weather during 2021 contributed to the development of several significant disease issues on Georgia blueberries. Throughout the summer of 2021, rainfall across Georgia’s blueberry production belt was considerably above normal, and issues with phytophthora root rot and algal stem blotch were widely reported across southern Georgia during late summer and fall.  Phytophthora root rot is one …

ADAMA’s Cormoran® Effective Against Larval Stages of Insect Pests

Web AdminPests, Specialty Crops, Top Posts

By Clint Thompson One insecticide from ADAMA could be a secret weapon for Southeast producers hoping to reduce pest pressure in various specialty crops. Cormoran® attacks the larval stages of insect pests, which makes it a vital part of a grower’s insecticidal rotation, says Jorge Menocal, territory sales representative for ADAMA. “When you refer to specialty vegetables, it’s critical to …