Fresh Vegetable Trade Volume Up in 2021

Web AdminTrade, Vegetables

Fresh vegetable trade volume was up in 2021, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service. The United States remained a net importer of fresh-market vegetables in volume and value terms. The value of imports increased 5% to $10.4 billion, while the value of exports increased 3% to $2.4 billion. Import value grew 81% over the past decade, …

Giant Pestiferous Lizards a Threat to Fruits and Vegetables in South Georgia

Web AdminFruit, Georgia, Pests, Vegetables

By Rick Lavender for CAES News Warming temperatures will have tegus on the move in southeast Georgia. Residents and farmers are asked to report sightings of tegus, alive or dead. This is needed to keep the big, South American lizards from gaining a foothold in the state, according to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR). These reptiles, the largest …

Alabama Extension to Host Vegetable Production Meeting

Web AdminAlabama, Produce, Vegetables

Vegetable producers in Alabama know It is spring planting season. Growers need to be aware of what to expect before plants are put in the ground. Alabama Extension will host a vegetable producers production meeting on Wednesday, April 6. Extension specialist Andre da Silva and Extension agents Shane Harris and Chip East will lead the meeting, which will begin at …

Thrips Pressure Expected to Increase in South Florida

Web AdminFlorida, Pests, Vegetables

Thrips pressure is expected to increase in South Florida vegetable fields. Growers are reminded to monitor populations and implement management tactics early, according to the South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline. This is especially important for commodities that are vulnerable to viruses vectored by thrips. Populations are reportedly low in central Florida, though they are expected to increase as the …

Asian Bean Thrips Population Down Compared to Last Year

Web AdminFlorida, Pests, Vegetables

Good news for South Florida vegetable producers, Asian bean thrips (ABT) populations are less widespread than last year and are only being reported at moderate levels in some locations. According to University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), Asian Bean Thrips are only being observed at 0.4 to 0.6 per bloom in a limited number of fields. …

Rabbit Problem to be Discussed at UF/IFAS Meeting

Web AdminAgri-business, Environment, Florida, Vegetables

Rabbit populations have spiked in the Florida Glades. A University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) workshop on Friday, Feb. 18 will address the current problem and what management options are available for producers. Richard Raid, a professor in plant pathology at UF/IFAS , and Robert McCleery, an associate professor in the UF Wildlife Ecology and Conservation …

Effects of Cold Weather on Herbicide Performance in Vegetable Production

Web AdminAgri-business, Research, Vegetables, Weather

By Ramdas Kanissery and Nathan Boyd Cold temperatures throughout Florida has vegetable growers concerned about the impact the weather is having on herbicide effectiveness. Low temperatures slow weed growth and affect the weed’s herbicide uptake, leading to ineffective weed control. Less of the herbicide reaches the target, providing a less successful weed control outcome. However, herbicide performance in response to …

Pepper Weevil Management: Be Proactive Instead of Reactive

Web AdminPeppers, Pests, Vegetables

By Clint Thompson It is better for growers to be proactive instead of reactive when managing pepper weevils in their vegetable crops. That is the approach Southeast growers should utilize this spring, says Stormy Sparks, University of Georgia Extension vegetable entomologist. “Pepper weevils, we are definitely overwintering them. We’ve documented that for the last three or four years now where …

Freeze Impact: Void in Supply Chain Likely a Result

Web AdminPeppers, Tomatoes, Vegetables, Weather

Clint Thompson Farming in South Florida usually provides the best frost protection. But not in 2022. The impact of last weekend’s sub-freezing temperatures on vegetables is likely to create a void in the supply chain, believes Wade Purvis, who farms in Immokalee, Florida and is part of the Farmers Alliance. The result could lead to an influx of imports from …

2022 SE Regional Conference Event Helps Producers Move Forward

Web AdminFruit, General, Vegetables

The Southeast Regional Fruit and Vegetable Conference was just what the doctor ordered for growers yearning to reconnect with fellow farmers and look ahead to the upcoming season. “We are pleased with the continued attendance for this event,” said Drew Echols, Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association (GFVGA) president. “After our virtual event in 2021, it was encouraging to see our …