Locally Grown Pomegranate Varieties in Florida Are Promising for the Future

Web AdminProduce, Research, Top Posts

Ali Sarkhosh, assistant professor and Extension specialist at the Horticultural Sciences Department at the University of Florida, is researching how well pomegranates will grow in Florida’s climate. The economic potential for growing pomegranates in Florida is currently unknown at this time. Research continues on the possibility of finding pomegranate cultivars that can grow in Florida. Florida’s wet season, accompanied by hot …

florida fruit

Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association Appoints Joyner as New President

Web AdminFruit, Industry News Release, Vegetables

Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association Chairman Paul R. Orsenigo announced that Mike Joyner has been named as the organization’s new president effective Oct. 15. Joyner’s experience in agricultural and environmental issues runs deep. Most recently, he served as assistant commissioner of agriculture and chief of staff for Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam, helping to lead the state Department of Agriculture and …

UF Industrial Hemp Program Promotes Industrial Partnerships to Grow

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GAINESVILLE, Fla. — The University of Florida’s pilot research program to explore the potential to grow industrial hemp across the state is advancing, with the engagement of an inaugural private partner. The initiative was supported and encouraged by the state but was not appropriated any funding. To move forward, the project needs sponsorships from private industry. Green Roads Inc. has …

Higher Prices Save Florida Watermelon Season

Web AdminProduce, Top Posts, Watermelon

By Breanna Kendrick The 2018 Florida watermelon season posed challenges for most growers that resulted in lower yields and higher fruit prices. Bob Hochmuth, regional specialized Extension agent for vegetable crops at the University of Florida (UF) Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences North Florida Research and Education Center in Suwannee Valley discussed Florida’s 2018 watermelon season. He addressed the …

Sneak Peek: October VSCNews Magazine

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Labor is always top of mind for vegetable and specialty crop growers. The October issue of VSCNews magazine will address this ever-changing but always crucial topic. AgNet West’s Brian German discusses how labor contractors can help make the H-2A program an easier experience for growers. German spoke with a California grower who shares his positive experience with labor contractors. Zhengfei …

Varroa Mite Control Efforts Continue

Web AdminPests, Pollinators, Research, Top Posts

By Breanna Kendrick Varroa mites have been in the United States since 1987, but there’s still not a good solution for controlling them. These mites impact honeybee colonies by feeding on the bees and vectoring viruses. The mites pass viruses around the colonies and make the bees very sick. Varroa control is tricky because the goal is to kill an …

Certified Crop Advisors Experience the Diversity of Florida Ag

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Certified Crop Advisors (CCA) from around the United States and Canada gathered in Bonita Springs, Florida, this week for their annual board meeting. The meetings began on Sept. 18, but several attendees arrived a day early to embark on a tour of South Florida agriculture. Armando Campos, chairmen of the North American CCA board, says he wanted to showcase the …

University of Florida Aims to Improve Sweet Corn

Web AdminCorn, Research, Top Posts, Uncategorized

By Breanna Kendrick There’s been a lot of advances in using genomics to help improve plant breeding. Most of the advances in corn have focused on field corn, but now researchers are aiming to improve sweet corn. Mark Settles, University of Florida (UF) horticultural sciences professor, and his team are working to find new traits for sweet corn growers and …

GMOs vs. Cowpea Curculios

Web AdminPests, Top Posts

By Breanna Kendrick A big issue growers in the Southeast are facing is a weevil called cowpea curculio. This New World insect is very harsh on Old World peas, such as cowpeas. Insects are typically controlled with an insecticide, but this particular weevil has become resistant to many insecticides and can devastate a crop. Cowpea curculio is so hard on …

Putting Florida Peaches in the Spotlight

Web AdminPeaches, Stone Fruit, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

Believe it or not, many consumers and retailers do not know that peaches are grown in Florida. However, thanks to a Specialty Crop Block Grant, the Florida Specialty Crop Foundation (FSCF) and Fresh From Florida (FFF) are working to raise awareness of Florida peaches. FSCF initially received the grant in 2017. After two successful seasons, the grant has been extended …