The State of Organic Vegetable Production in Southern Georgia

Web AdminOrganic, Top Posts, Vegetables, VSCNews magazine

By Timothy Coolong Southern Georgia is a powerhouse for wholesale fresh-market vegetable production. The vegetable industry in Georgia was valued at over $1 billion in 2015, with more than 170,000 acres in production, according to the University of Georgia’s 2015 Georgia Farm Gate Value Report. SIZE AND SCOPE The vegetable industry in southern Georgia is also extremely diversified, with more …

Immigration Reform Impacting Agriculture

Web AdminBusiness, Labor, Legislative, Top Posts

By Tacy Callies and Ernie Neff At the recent general session of Citrus Expo, AgSafe President and CEO Amy Wolfe discussed emerging issues in ag labor and food safety. One of the topics she covered was the federal Ag and Legal Workforce Act that was introduced in Congress on July 18. The new bill is an effort to combine the …

Pest and Disease Management for Organic Squash

Web AdminOrganic, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

By Elizabeth Little Organic vegetable production has been steadily increasing in Georgia. Growers offer a wide variety of high-quality produce, especially during the cooler months from October to June. However, summer production can be challenging due to the proliferation of pests and diseases on non-adapted crops. Both summer and winter squash can be plagued by many pests and diseases, and …

Sneak Peek: September VSCNews Magazine

Web AdminSneak peek, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

The September issue of VSCNews magazine is packed with harvest-related information. University of Florida (UF) researchers Jeff Brecht and Steve Sargent provide the best methods for tuning up your packing and cooling facilities. The authors share some tips to ensure your product can flow smoothly through your facility. Florida watermelons faced a tough season, but higher market prices may save …

Citrus Expo’s Expanded Program Exceeds Expectations

Web AdminIndustry News Release, Top Posts, Vegetables

Citrus Expo’s broadened program brought new faces and additional learning opportunities to Florida’s leading agricultural event. Held in North Fort Myers, Florida, on Aug. 15–16, Expo attracted its largest and most diverse audience ever of growers, industry professionals and vendors. The event included a sold-out trade show of nearly 200 exhibitors and an educational program themed “Planting Tomorrow’s Profits.” Kicking …

Organic Certification: Navigating the Red Tape

Web AdminOrganic, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

By Abbey Taylor and Ernie Neff U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) official Jennifer Tucker declares organic agriculture to be “a terrific opportunity for farmers and consumers.” “It is a growing market with a lot of great potential,” says Tucker, associate deputy administrator for the USDA’s National Organic Program. The USDA has provided guidelines for farmers and handlers interested in obtaining …


UF Names Evans New Director of Tropical Research and Education Center

Web AdminIndustry News Release, Research, Tropical Fruit

Edward “Gilly” Evans, a longtime agricultural economist at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), has been named director of the UF/IFAS Tropical Research and Education Center in Homestead. Evans, who served as interim director for almost two years, has overseen the hiring of five new faculty members. The new hires bring expertise in everything from …

Research Team Targets Whiteflies

Web AdminPests, Top Posts, Vegetables

By Breanna Kendrick and Abbey Taylor The University of Georgia whitefly team is made up of research and Extension entomologists, plant pathologists and horticulture specialists. All of these professionals are involved in whitefly research across commodities such as peanuts, soybeans and vegetables. The team is doing research and education on whiteflies and the diseases that they vector. “It’s really just …

Selecting Herbicides for Stone Fruit

Web AdminPeaches, Stone Fruit, Top Posts

By Breanna Kendrick With perennial crops such as stone fruits, growers are limited in their weed management options because they can’t choose practices like crop rotation. Therefore, selection of proper herbicides is critical for effective weed control. Peter Dittmar, assistant professor with the Horticultural Sciences Department at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, specializes in weed …

Spotted Wing Drosophila Spells Trouble for Grape Growers

Web AdminGrapes, Pests, Top Posts

By Breanna Kendrick Spotted wing drosophila (SWD) are small fruit flies that resemble the flies commonly seen indoors buzzing around rotting fruit. Adult male SWD have a little spot on each of their wings, making them easy to identify. Females are more difficult to identify. At the rear of the female SWD abdomen is an egg-laying structure called an ovipositor. …