Integrated Pest Management of Chilli Thrips in Strawberries

Web AdminDisease, Florida, Research, Strawberry

By Sriyanka Lahiri Currently, strawberry production in Florida is particularly susceptible to infestation by chilli thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis). Although chilli thrips had been reported as a pest of ornamentals in Florida before, it wasn’t until 2015 when strawberry fields started to be severely impacted by this invasive pest. CHEMICAL CONTROLSChemical control is the predominant tool to manage chilli thrips. However, …

Asian Bean Thrips Population Down Compared to Last Year

Web AdminFlorida, Pests, Vegetables

Good news for South Florida vegetable producers, Asian bean thrips (ABT) populations are less widespread than last year and are only being reported at moderate levels in some locations. According to University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), Asian Bean Thrips are only being observed at 0.4 to 0.6 per bloom in a limited number of fields. …

Thrips Pressure Expected to Increase in Florida

Web AdminFlorida, Pests

Thrips pressure is currently low across the South Florida region. But this is the time of year when populations are expected to increase, according to the South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline. Vegetable growers, especially those with crops susceptible to thrips-vectored viruses, need to monitor populations and start management options early. Thrips pressure is starting to increase in most crops …

Asian Bean Thrips Populations Continue to Vary Across South Florida

Web AdminFlorida, Pests, Top Posts

According to the University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), Asian bean thrips (ABT) populations continue to vary throughout south Florida. The highest populations were detected in south Hendry County, though populations were very low in the Palm Beach County region. In south Hendry County, infestations were numbered at 0.2 adult per bloom. Larvae have been observed at …

Thrips Populations Vary Across Florida

Web AdminFlorida, Pests, Top Posts

According to the South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline, thrips populations vary across the state. Chilli thrips are present in pepper crops in central Florida, mostly in low to moderate numbers. But they are higher in other locations. Florida flower thrips, western flower thrips and melon thrips have been observed in low numbers. Asian bean thrips have been reported on …

Scouting Report: Asian Bean Thrips Update

Web AdminFlorida, Pests, Top Posts

According to University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), the highest populations of Asian bean thrips (ABT) were detected this week by scouts in western Hendry County and on the Lee/Collier county line. Many thrips larvae were seen, which suggests that populations may be increasing. On the Lee/Collier line, an isolated infestation was reported where ABT adults …

Organic Corner: Managing Mites and Thrips in Strawberries

Web AdminFlorida, Organic, Strawberry, Top Posts

By Sriyanka Lahiri The development of an integrated pest management (IPM) approach for the various arthropod pests of organic strawberries is underway at the University of Florida’s Strawberry and Small Fruit Crops Entomology Lab. The primary arthropod pests needing management include chilli thrips, western flower thrips, two-spotted spider mite and cyclamen mite. Strawberry fruit yield losses due to feeding damage …

Growers Beware: Strawberry Producers Be Prepared for Chilli Thrips

Web AdminFlorida, Strawberry, Top Posts

By Clint Thompson It is not a question of if chilli thrips will be a problem for Florida strawberry growers this year but when will they be? According to Sriyanka Lahiri, UF/IFAS Assistant Professor of Entomology and Nematology at the Gulf Coast Research and Education Center, producers can expect to see infestations early in the season, not long after plants …

Thrips Infestations Causing Damage in Central Florida

Web AdminFlorida, Pests, Top Posts

According to the South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline, vegetable producers in West central Florida report that chili thrips are wreaking havoc in pepper and watermelon fields. Thrips are causing serious damage to watermelons and peppers in the Plant City area of Hillsborough County. It’s been a carry-over effect in most cases. Thrips have moved over from the strawberry crops …

Thrips, Thrips, Thrips! Populations Oscillate in South Florida Fields

Web AdminFlorida, Pests, Top Posts, Uncategorized

According to UF/IFAS, Asian bean thrips (ABT) populations continue to swing back and forth across the South Florida region. While flower thrips are the predominant species north of Miami-Dade, a few locations still are reporting ABT at the dominant species. ABT populations ranged from 0.2 to 0.7 per bloom in southeastern Hendry County. Populations were reduced where records of 10 …