South Florida Thrips Update

Web AdminFlorida, Pests, Top Posts

Various thrips species are causing problems for South Florida vegetable producers. According to the South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline, strawberry farmers have dealt with chili thrips all season in the Manatee Ruskin area. They are also showing up in pepper. In the Miami-Dade County area, melon thrips are increasing in populations in various crops. Along the east coast, western …

Record Levels: Asian Bean Thrips Major Problem for Some South Florida Producers

Web AdminFlorida, Pests, Top Posts

South Florida farms had record levels of Asian bean thrips (ABT) populations last week. Others experienced a reduction in thrips counts, however. According to the University of Florida/IFAS, farms in southeastern Hendry County reported infestations as low as 0.2 ABT per bud and between 0.1 and 0.2 ABT per bloom (at full bloom) but were as high as 1.9 ABT …

Increasing Infestations: Asian Bean Thrips Remain a Problem for Florida Farmers

Web AdminFlorida, Pests, Top Posts

Asian bean thrips (ABT) continue to be problematic for vegetable producers in South Florida. According to the University of Florida/IFAS, populations are increasing consistently across the region. Reports from the Homestead region indicate Asian bean thrips are the predominate species, though have decreased from 100% ABT to 70% ABT and 30% F. palmi. Other thrips species are increasing north of …

Asian Bean Thrips: Insect Infestations Increasing in South Florida

Web AdminFlorida, Pests, Top Posts

South Florida continues to be a hot spot for Asian bean thrips (ABT). According to UF/IFAS, the insect that feeds on wild cowpea is increasing across the region. Charlotte County is the latest county in which the ABT has been identified. Populations have also been observed in West Palm Beach. Other species of thrips have increased as well. Multiple farms …

Chilli Thrips: An Increasing Threat for Blueberry Growers

Web AdminBerries, Pests, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

By Oscar Liburd Chilli thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis, was first detected in southern highbush blueberries in Florida in Orange, Sumter and Hernando counties during the summer of 2008. It is a major pest of many host plants, including vegetable, ornamental and fruit crops. FEEDING DAMAGE In blueberry, chilli thrips feed on young leaves, causing leaf bronzing (Figure 1) and shoot dieback in …

Management of Thrips in Tomatoes

Web AdminFlorida, Pests, Tomatoes, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

By Xavier Martini and Joe Funderburk Thrips are important pests of tomatoes for two reasons. First, they damage fruit directly by egg-laying or feeding (Figure 1). More importantly, some species also vector tospoviruses that include tomato spotted wilt virus, groundnut ringspot virus and tomato chlorotic spot virus. These tospoviruses can considerably decrease the crop yield if thrips are not controlled. …

Management Methods for Flower Thrips

Web AdminBerries, Pests, Top Posts

By Alison DeLoach Since flower thrips have been causing concerns for Georgia’s blueberry growers, the pest was a topic discussed at the Southeast Regional Fruit and Vegetable Conference. At the conference, Renee Allen, area blueberry agent with the University of Georgia (UGA), presented research on flower thrips and management recommendations for growers. According to Allen, research was conducted in New …

Florida Blueberry Management Tips for September

Clint ThompsonBlueberries, Florida

Florida blueberry management is a year-round job for the state’s growers. The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) provides producers with reminders about what management options they need to remember for September. Producers should be actively scouting for algal stem blotch as well as monitor and manage leaf diseases. On farms where there is active management …

Troxler Announces More Than $1.6 Million in Specialty Crop Research

Clint ThompsonNorth Carolina

RALEIGH – North Carolina Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler has announced that nine research projects, focusing on helping specialty crop growers, were awarded more than $1.16 million in specialty crop block grant funding. “Specialty crops offer great opportunities for North Carolina farmers and these projects have the potential to lead to better production recommendations for farmers and ultimately increased production,” Troxler …