Wage Increase: H-2A Workers Receiving Bump in Hourly Rate

Web AdminAlabama, Florida, Georgia, Top Posts

Southeast producers who utilize the H-2A program finally know what the minimum wage is they must pay in 2021. The USDA Farm Labor Survey revealed that wage rates for H-2A labor are increasing at an average rate of 4.5% or $0.63 per hour across the country. For the Southeast, though, those levels are much lower. Florida’s wages will increase by …

Additional Despair: USITC Blueberry Verdict a Sign for Vegetable Producers?

Web AdminExports/Imports, Florida, Georgia, Top Posts

The U.S. International Trade Commission’s (USITC) decision regarding blueberry imports dealt a disheartening and devastating blow to Southeast producers claiming serious injury to the domestic industry. But does the verdict foreshadow additional despair for vegetable farmers who are also claiming imports have hurt their respective commodities; namely, squash, peppers and cucumbers? “There is concern. Each case is kind of held …

Choosing Cover Crops for Nematode Management

Web AdminOrganic, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

By Johan Desaeger Cover crops are one of the more practical options for nematode management as their use is already common practice for many growers. The subtropical climate in Florida and the southeastern United States allows growers to plant crops year-round, and cover crops have been an important component of Florida’s agro-ecosystems since its early days of agriculture. Until the …

Presidential Authority: Final Decision Regarding Blueberry Imports Rests with Biden Administration

Web AdminBerries, Exports/Imports, Florida, Georgia, Top Posts, Trade

The American Blueberry Growers Alliance’s (ABGA) stance on imports has not changed over the years: serious injury has been inflicted on American farmers, especially those in Florida and Georgia. But where does President Biden stand on this issue? That’s the stance that will ultimately decide the Section 201 investigation regarding blueberry imports. Even if the International Trade Commission (ITC) decides …

Green Point Research Cannabis Center of Excellence Hosts Ribbon-Cutting

Web AdminFlorida, Hemp, Top Posts

JASPER, Fla. — Green Point Research, an international phytocannabinoid-rich biomass originator and processor, celebrated the official opening of its Hamilton County headquarters and 32-acre Cannabis Center of Excellence (CCoE) with a ribbon-cutting event held in partnership with Hamilton County Board of Commissioners and Hamilton County Economic Development Authority (EDA), and North Florida Economic Development Partnership. The event came just several …

Citrus Greening: UF/IFAS Continues Focus on HLB Research

Web AdminCitrus, Disease, Florida, Top Posts

Citrus greening remains a focal point of research at the University of Florida/IFAS. Florida’s citrus producers are counting on research to help sustain what’s left of an industry decimated by Huanglongbing (also known as HLB or citrus greening). Scott Angle, Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources at the UF/IFAS, understands the ramifications if improved management options aren’t available soon. …

Opportunity Awaits? Blueberry Exports to China Could Be Game Changer

Web AdminBerries, Exports/Imports, Florida, Top Posts

While the pending International Trade Commission decision regarding the case of serious injury that imports have had against blueberry growers will be pivotal for producers in Florida and Georgia, another marketing opportunity may lie with producers capitalizing on exports to China. Greg Fonsah, University of Georgia Agribusiness Extension economist, said during Friday’s Ag Forecast meeting there is a real opportunity …

It’s Coming: Strawberry Volume Expected to Increase Soon

Web AdminFlorida, Strawberry, Top Posts

Florida strawberry production has been slower than normal this season. But don’t expect that to too last much longer. “I think that volume’s going to be coming pretty powerfully here whether we’re ready for it or not over the next couple of weeks,” said Vance Whitaker, strawberry breeder at the University of Florida Gulf Coast Research and Education Center. “We’ve …

Imperfect Competition Yields Profitable Market Opportunities

Web AdminAgri-business, General, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

By Kimberly L. Morgan and Jessica Ryals In nearly all introductory economics courses, the agricultural industry serves as the primary example of a “perfectly competitive” market structure. In theory, farmers are not able to set prices for their products, and instead “take the price” offered by market buyers. To achieve profitability, a grower works year-round to find ways to reduce …