In the quest for HLB-tolerant cultivars, there is no such thing as too much information.
Growers Discuss BMPs
By Ernie Neff Two growers participating in a Dec. 16 program about local agricultural issues shared some of the best management practices (BMPs) their companies employ. The event was hosted by the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Southwest Florida Research and Education Center (SWFREC) in Immokalee. Danny Sutton, president and general manager of Alico Citrus, …
Disease Management Update for Georgia Blueberries
By Jonathan Oliver In 2019, Georgia blueberry production rebounded from the effects of the devastating late freezes in 2017 and 2018. Nonetheless, blueberry producers in the southeastern United States must contend annually with environmental factors such as heat and humidity that can provide an ideal climate for the development of disease issues. The University of Georgia (UGA)-Tifton fruit pathology program …
Managing Gummy Stem Blight in Watermelon
By Ashley Robinson Gummy stem blight (GSB), also known as black rot, is a common issue for watermelon producers in the Southeast. Didymella bryoniae, the fungus that causes GSB, favors warm and humid weather, leaving the Southeast growing region susceptible to the disease’s devastating effects. If not managed well, it can cause significant yield loss for growers. RECENT ISSUES Over …
Growers and Representatives Meet in Immokalee
By Ernie Neff State representatives Byron Donalds and Bob Rommel met with citrus and vegetable growers at a Dec. 16 discussion in Immokalee about local agricultural issues. The event was hosted by the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Southwest Florida Research and Education Center. Donalds said he wants to be sure IFAS recommendations, on which …
Managing Cucurbit Diseases
By Ernie Neff University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences doctoral student Andrew Shirley suggested ways to control three cucurbit diseases at Florida Ag Expo in November. Shirley is pursuing his degree at the Gulf Coast Research and Education Center, site of the Expo. He shares highlights of his presentation in an interview with Southeast AgNet’s Tacy Callies. …
Hemp Plant Options and Advice
By Ernie Neff Adam Elend, CEO of Florigrown, LLC, addresses the four main options for starting industrial hemp plants in the field and offers some advice for choosing suppliers. In this interview with Southeast AgNet’s Tacy Callies, Elend reports in-depth on the pros and cons of three types of seed. The fourth option for planting is cuttings. “In an unpredictable …
Sneak Peek: January VSCNews Magazine
The January issue of VSCNews magazine explores the latest technology and research, giving growers a guide of what to look for in 2020. Kevin Folta, a horticultural sciences professor at the University of Florida, looks at how far technology has advanced over the past 20 years. He discusses the accelerating pace of genetic discovery and what technological advancements in crop …
Commissioner Nikki Fried Comments on House Passage of USMCA
(FDACS) — The U.S. House passed the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement (USMCA). In response, Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nicole “Nikki” Fried offered the following statement: “It is deeply disappointing that seasonal protections were not included in this USMCA implementing legislation. For nearly a year, I have called repeatedly for effective, timely relief from unfair trade practices for America’s seasonal produce growers in the USMCA. …
Anhydrous Ammonia: A Potential Addition to the Fumigation Toolbox
By Ramdas Kanissery and Pamela Roberts Soil fumigation is a fundamental step for successful commercial crop production in Florida under intensive conventional systems. It has been regularly used on crops such as vegetables, strawberries and potatoes. Soil fumigation is one of the most successful means of reducing soil pathogen and weed populations and is typically applied as a pre-plant soil …