Citrus greening disease, also known as huanglongbing (HLB), is not yet widespread in Georgia. However, there’s no reason to think that it won’t become more of a problem for the state’s citrus growers. Lindy Savelle, executive director of the Georgia Citrus Association (GCA), hopes it doesn’t happen but cautions growers about the disease’s potential beyond Florida. “Something we have to …
Cold-Hardy Growers Eyeing Juice Market
A low volume of fruit in the cold-hardy citrus region is being produced for the juice market. With the current market prices for juiced citrus, that number could increase in the near future. This topic was discussed during the recent Georgia Citrus Association annual meeting in Tifton. “With the prices today, there is a future for it,” said grower Kim …
What Georgia’s Citrus Industry Needs to Do to Succeed
One Florida citrus industry leader is impressed with Georgia’s burgeoning industry. Rick Dantzler, Citrus Research and Development Foundation chief operating officer, believes Georgia’s industry can continue to grow as long as it manages citrus greening effectively. He stressed eradication when speaking about citrus greening, also known as huanglongbing (HLB), at the annual meeting on Feb. 25. “Georgia’s potential is bright …
Why Some Citrus Growers Are Removing Satsuma Trees
Satsuma mandarins are easily produced in the cold-hardy citrus region. But their lack of shelf life is causing multiple growers in the region, which includes North Florida and South Georgia, to pull trees in favor of something else. Those growers includes Lindy Savelle, executive director of the Georgia Citrus Association. She’s removing 400 of 1,000 satsuma trees, or about 40% …
Growers Cautioned To Be Wary of Fruit Quality Following Helene
Georgia’s citrus growers may have dodged catastrophic results from Hurricane Helene, but they might not know the full impact of the storm for at least a couple of more weeks. Lindy Savelle, executive director of the Georgia Citrus Association, warned that though fruit may still be in the trees, it may have suffered irreparable damage from high winds when the …
Savelle Named Executive Director of Georgia Citrus Association
Georgia’s citrus industry has a new leading lady. Actually, she’s a familiar face who has a new title. While Lindy Savelle will continue to promote Georgia citrus, it will be under the title of executive director of the Georgia Citrus Association (GCA). Savelle was the president of GCA for almost eight years. Now, the association has put a succession plan …
Hacks and Suggestions for Georgia Citrus Growers
Citrus meetings are vital to a grower’s plan for the upcoming season. What they learn and take back to the grove can provide major benefits heading into the upcoming harvest season. The recent Georgia Citrus Association annual meeting provided a venue for growers to share management tips with their peers. Lindy Savelle, president of the Georgia Citrus Association, compiled a …
‘The Psyllids Will Like Georgia Just Fine’
A California citrus leader believes Georgia will make an ideal home for the Asian citrus psyllid, which vectors the devastating huanglongbing (HLB) disease. “North of Florida, it is colder, and it’s certainly not as suitable a place as Florida is, but the psyllid is still going to be fine. The cold isn’t long enough here to knock the populations out,” …
Georgia Citrus Association Outlines Industry Initiatives
The Georgia citrus industry has experienced a significant increase in production since it started more than 10 years ago. The Georgia Citrus Association (GCA) is taking steps to ensure continued expansion. During the GCA’s recent annual meeting in Tifton, association president Lindy Savelle spoke with AgNet Media and outlined her organization’s priorities on the heels of another harvest season. A …
HLB Could End Georgia’s Citrus Industry
One California citrus leader believes Georgia should respond more aggressively to huanglongbing (HLB, also known as citrus greening) for the sake of the industry’s future in the state. Roger Smith, fourth-generation citrus producer and executive of AC Foods, spoke during the recent Georgia Citrus Association meeting in Tifton. He discussed the disease that devastated citrus production in Florida and could …