Blueberry management in Florida in February is critical with harvest season just around the corner. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) reminds producers of various tips to keep in mind this month. From a disease standpoint, growers need to monitor for botrytis and control when need. Farmers also need to apply fungicides in rotation for control …
Asian Bean Thrip: What to Know for Snap Bean Growers
By Clint Thompson The emergence of the Asian bean thrip (ABT) is an added concern for specialty crop producers in the South Florida. While there are effective insecticides available, snap bean growers should still be wary of ABT, says Hugh Smith, an associate professor of entomology and nematology at the UF/IFAS Gulf Coast Research and Education Center. “Asian bean thrips …
Botrytis Problem for a Florida Strawberry Grower
By Clint Thompson One Florida strawberry grower emerged relatively unscathed from last weekend’s freeze event. But now Dustin Grooms is coping with a new problem for his strawberry crop. “We did okay. We definitely did lose a little bit of bloom, not too bad. Some of the berries got bit a little bit on the ends, but not real bad,” …
UF/IFAS Scientists Make Advancement Toward Crops That Make Own Nitrogen
Scientists, including those at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), are one step closer to giving more plants the ability to harness nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which would reduce the need for fertilizer. It would lower costs for farmers and mitigate any environmental impacts. Nitrogen is an essential building block of life. Plants can only absorb nitrogen …
USDA-NIFA Grant To Enhance UF/IFAS Vanilla Research, Promote Domestic Industry
HOMESTEAD, Fla – A University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) tropical fruit breeder is a step closer to establishing a domestic vanilla industry for growers in Florida, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Alan Chambers, an assistant professor and plant geneticist at UF/IFAS Tropical Research and Education Center (TREC) has been awarded a $300,000 grant from the U.S. Department …
Cold Weekend Helps with Pest Control
By Clint Thompson Sub-freezing temperatures this past weekend impacted specialty crop production across the Southeast. But they also helped producers with managing the pest populations, specifically whiteflies. Bob Hochmuth, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Regional Specialized Extension agent in Live Oak, Florida, discusses the significance that the cold temperatures had on the pest. “This is …
Prioritizing Plant Breeding
By J. Scott Angle The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) team that has released more than 250 fruit, vegetable and other plant cultivars in the past decade is getting even stronger. Seven budding scientists from around the world arrived in Florida in August to work with Plant Breeders Working Group faculty in creating Florida crops. …
Florida Vegetable Expert: There’s Going to Be Damage Out There
By Clint Thompson South Florida’s vegetable crop sustained some damage during last weekend’s cold temperatures. It was too cold not to. Gene McAvoy, University of Florida/IFAS Regional Vegetable Extension Agent IV Emeritus, said temperatures dipped as low as 30 degrees Fahrenheit in the Immokalee, Florida area. The young watermelon plants were especially at risk. “I think watermelons that were not …
Frigid Weather Deep into Florida has Growers on Alert
By Frank Giles The coldest temperatures in years predicted for Florida over the weekend has fruit and vegetable growers worried and preparing to protect their crops. Temperatures in the 20s and 30s are expected deep into the peninsula of Florida. And the freezing weather could persist for up to four hours or more. Gene McAvoy, associate director for stakeholder relations …
Freeze Protection Vital for Florida Blueberry Growers This Weekend
By Clint Thompson Low temperatures in the forecast this weekend means Florida blueberry producers need to apply freeze protection to their crops, says Doug Phillips, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) blueberry Extension coordinator. “It’ll definitely get low enough to where folks will be freeze protecting. I know in central Florida, depending on the site because …