An internet-connected lighting system for greenhouses could reduce a farmer’s power bill, according to University of Georgia research. The study showed that a predictive lighting control system could optimize lighting for plants by predicting sunlight and only utilizing lights when necessary. Farmers could reduce their greenhouse electrical costs by as much as 33% by optimizing their lights. Plants are given …
Freezing Aftermath: Scout Blueberries to Survey Damage Before Applying Fungicides
By Clint Thompson Southeast producers with blueberries impacted by last weekend’s sub-freezing temperatures need to survey any damage to their crop before applying fungicides to protect against subsequent diseases, says Jonathan Oliver, University of Georgia (UGA) Extension assistant professor and small fruits pathologist. “As far as the blueberries go, we’re going to have to see where things stand. The fungicides …
Georgia Ag Forecast on Friday, Jan. 28
University of Georgia (UGA) Cooperative Extension reminds specialty crop producers that this year’s Georgia Ag Forecast meeting will be held on Friday, Jan. 28 at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center in Tifton, Georgia. The meeting will be held just one day this year and will include the latest economic projections for the U.S. and state agriculture to inform farmers …
Organic Blueberry Production: Challenging but Profitable
By Clint Thompson Organic blueberry production can be a profitable venture for aspiring producers in the Southeast. While market prices are higher than in conventional systems, growers need to be mindful of the various production challenges. These range from weed control options to selecting the right fertilizer. Gerard Krewer, a Professor Emeritus at the University of Georgia, discusses the obstacles …
Nanobubble Technology May Improve Soil Health, Sustainability in the Turfgrass Industry
By Maria M. Lameiras for CAES News New University of Georgia (UGA) research seeks to discover whether nanobubbles can hold beneficial properties for turfgrass. Led by soil microbiologist Mussie Habteselassie, the Georgia Department of Agriculture-sponsored study will evaluate the potential applications of nanobubble technology to control pathogens and improve plant growth, water use efficiency and soil biological health in turfgrass …