Red Flags Go Up on Proposed Climate Disclosure Rule

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The Security and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) proposed rule to require climate disclosures by public companies could severely impact family farms and ranches and intensify the already concerning rate of consolidation in agriculture. American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) economists discuss potential impacts of “The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate Related Disclosures for Investors” proposed rule in the latest Market Intel. The …

Important Clarifications on the Florida Citrus Research Order Referendum

Web AdminFlorida Grower

As the voting period for the Florida Citrus Research Order winds down, it is important that growers have a clear understanding what the vote is for and the role the Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) plays in the process. Rick Dantzler, chief operating officer of CRDF, says this clarification is important to be sure growers have the correct information, …

H-2A Labor Demand Surging

Web AdminFlorida Grower

Recently released data from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) reflects surging demand for temporary agricultural employees under the H-2A program.  DOL data for the first two quarters of fiscal year 2022 indicate that program applications increased 17.5% over the previous fiscal year.  At the same time, the total number of jobs certified by DOL’s Office of Foreign Labor Certification …

Fertilizer Applications Need to Continue During Watermelon Harvests

Web AdminFlorida Grower

By Clint Thompson Watermelon harvests have begun in North Florida. But that doesn’t mean producers should halt their fertilizer applications. Bob Hochmuth, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Regional Specialized Extension agent in Live Oak, Florida, emphasizes to growers the importance of continuing their fertilizer application program. “Lets say you and I have a field and …

Representatives Ask for HLB Pesticide Approval

Web AdminFlorida Grower

U.S. Representatives Kat Cammack and Al Lawson led members of the Florida congressional delegation to ask the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for expeditious approval of Vismax, a biochemical pesticide for HLB. A letter from the representatives asks the EPA to rapidly approve the use of Vismax in preventing HLB so the industry may access this product before the start of …

Lack of Neopestalotiopsis a Blessing for Producers

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By Clint Thompson A drier year meant a good production season for Florida strawberries regarding a lack of diseases. A state known for its high-quality strawberry crop was ravaged in prior seasons because of neopestalotiopsis fruit rot disease. But rainy seasons exacerbated the problem. This year’s dry weather led to minimal disease impact, said Vance Whitaker, University of Florida Institute …

Survey Shows Top Varieties and Rootstocks

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By Frank Giles The latest Florida Grower Citrus Industry Pulse survey results again showed Valencia oranges and US-942 rootstock were by far the most popular selections among growers in the past year. The online survey results track closely with the official 2020–21 Citrus Budwood Report, which is compiled and published by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. The …

Beware of Squash Bugs in Cucurbits

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By Gene McAvoy The squash bug (Anasa tristis) attacks squash and other cucurbits throughout Central and North America. Several related species in the same genus coexist with squash bug over most of its range, feeding on the same plants but causing much less injury. IDENTIFICATION The adult is dark grayish brown in color, and the abdomen may be marked with …

Compost and Cover Crops Improve Soil Health in Citrus

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By Tacy Callies Citrus grower Sonny Conner recently hosted a group from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) for what he called his “Clint Eastwood tour of the good, the bad and the ugly.” While some of his trees are too far gone from citrus greening (the bad and the ugly) to be resuscitated, many more …