Blueberry Cultivars in North Florida

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By Maegan Beatty Blueberries are a popular commodity throughout the state of Florida and the entire southeast region. Scientists and researchers are working to create new cultivars that can sustain hard freezes during those difficult winter months, especially throughout the North Florida area. Dr. Jeff Williamson is a part of the Horticulture Sciences Department at the University of Florida Institute …

Powdery Mildew Confirmed in North Florida Melons

Web AdminFlorida, Specialty Crops, Watermelon

By Clint Thompson Another week of watermelon production in Florida’s Suwannee Valley region, another confirmation of a potentially devastating disease. Fortunately, it appears that producers were ready for powdery mildew disease, says Bob Hochmuth, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) regional specialized Extension agent in Live Oak, Florida. “It is confirmation, sort of like the downy …

Persimmon Production and Challenges

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By Maegan Beatty Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) is a round fruit crop that is native to China, Northeast India, and northern Indochina. In the United States, it is typically grown in California, Florida and southeastern Texas. While California is the leading state in persimmon production, Florida is a close second. Farmers and researchers across the state are implementing new practices in …

UF/IFAS Hosts Orchard Field Day

Web AdminFruit, Specialty Crops, Vegetables

By Maegan Beatty Last week, the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) hosted an Orchard Field Day at the Plant Science Research and Education Unit in Citra, Florida. The field day served as an educational event for commercial farmers, home gardeners and industry representatives. Attendees gathered to learn more about fruit crop diversification options. Speakers covered …

UF/IFAS Hosts Orchard Field Day

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By Maegan Beatty Last week, the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) hosted an Orchard Field Day at the Plant Science Research and Education Unit in Citra, Florida. The field day served as an educational event for commercial farmers, home gardeners and industry representatives. Attendees gathered to learn more about fruit crop diversification options. Speakers covered …

What’s the Future of Fumigation?

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By Clint Thompson How specialty crop growers manage weeds when the field is not being sown is just as important as what fumigant they choose prior to planting season. Nathan Boyd, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) associate center director and professor of horticulture/weed science at the Gulf Coast Research and Education Center, has conducted years …

Inflation Continues to Impact Organic Produce Sales

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Ongoing inflation continued to impact organic fresh produce sales in the first quarter of 2023 as overall dollar sales grew by slightly less than 1%, and volume declined by 3.4% from the same per year-over-year period, according to the Q1 2023 Organic Produce Performance Report released by Organic Produce Network (OPN) and Category Partners. Overall, the total produce department gained …

Adaptation, Dedication and Fearlessness Allow Pebbledale Farms to Thrive

Web AdminBlueberries, Fruits, Specialty Crops

By Tacy Callies In a state known for Northern transplants, fifth-generation Floridians aren’t frequently found — unless you work in agriculture. Chris and Tina Connell, owners of Pebbledale Farms, are proud to call themselves fifth-generation Floridians. Tina’s grandfather grew strawberries and peppers. Chris was raised in the phosphate mining business, and his grandfather was a citrus grower and rancher. The …

Maximize Marketing in the Online Space

Web AdminFruits, Specialty Crops, Vegetables

By Lauri M. Baker Digital marketing could increase sales for agriculture-based businesses that sell directly to consumers. However, many business owners struggle to understand where to place their online efforts and how to effectively market in the digital sphere. The Center for Rural Enterprise Engagement (CREE) conducts research to understand best practices in digital marketing for agribusinesses. Then, the CREE …

The Villages Grown Takes Local to the Next Level

Web AdminSpecialty Crops, Vegetables

By Frank Giles It is often said that real estate is all about location, location, location. The same can be said for the concept of local food systems. Farms being near the population they serve is a key element to success. There might be no better example of a prime location to establish a farm than The Villages in Central …