Freeze Impact: Void in Supply Chain Likely a Result

Web AdminPeppers, Tomatoes, Vegetables, Weather

Clint Thompson Farming in South Florida usually provides the best frost protection. But not in 2022. The impact of last weekend’s sub-freezing temperatures on vegetables is likely to create a void in the supply chain, believes Wade Purvis, who farms in Immokalee, Florida and is part of the Farmers Alliance. The result could lead to an influx of imports from …

Florida Vegetable Expert: There’s Going to Be Damage Out There

Web AdminCorn, Tomatoes, Watermelon, Weather

By Clint Thompson South Florida’s vegetable crop sustained some damage during last weekend’s cold temperatures. It was too cold not to. Gene McAvoy, University of Florida/IFAS Regional Vegetable Extension Agent IV Emeritus, said temperatures dipped as low as 30 degrees Fahrenheit in the Immokalee, Florida area. The young watermelon plants were especially at risk. “I think watermelons that were not …

UF/IFAS Research Helps Reduce Whiteflies in Tomatoes

Web AdminFlorida, Pests, Research, Tomatoes

QUINCY, Fla. — University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researchers are helping tomato producers successfully manage whiteflies. Previous studies helped narrow scientists’ focus to a white clay, kaolin, and an essential oil, limonene. Each is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency for agricultural use. “These products are easily found and relatively inexpensive, and they can be …

Florida Tomato Expert: Production High, Prices Low

Web AdminFlorida, Tomatoes

By Clint Thompson Almost perfect weather conditions for Florida production of tomatoes should have had most growers reaping the rewards by now. But that’s not the case, due in large part to a multitude of factors, says Michael Schadler, manager of the Florida Tomato Committee and Executive Vice President of the Florida Tomato Exchange. “The weather throughout the Florida growing …

Bacterial Spot Disease Problematic in Florida Fields

Web AdminDisease, Florida, Peppers, Tomatoes

Bacterial spot disease continues to be prevalent in tomatoes and susceptible pepper varieties throughout Florida, according to the South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline. This is especially true in Southwest Florida where foggy conditions have helped increase the disease. It is also widespread in Homestead, Florida and is increasing in severity. Bacterial spot has flared in some pepper varieties on …

Increasing Infestations: Whiteflies Problematic Around Southwest Florida

Web AdminFlorida, Peppers, Pests, Tomatoes

Whitefly infestations are increasing around southwest Florida, according to the South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline. Higher numbers of adults and immatures are being observed in older tomato plants. Populations are also reported to be transient in isolated locations, depending on wind direction. Pressure is also high in squash and cucumbers. Whitefly pressure is anywhere from low to moderate in …

New Normal? Florida Tomato Producers Using Non-Wooden Stakes

Web AdminFlorida, Tomatoes

By Clint Thompson The ongoing supply chain crisis forced many Florida tomato producers to consider non-wooden stakes for their plants this year. Gene McAvoy, University of Florida/IFAS Regional Vegetable Extension Agent IV Emeritus, said growers have said they are more expensive, but they are available. “This whole supply chain thing, wooden stakes are coming out of Central America and South …

Target Spot Flaring in Florida Tomatoes

Web AdminFlorida, Tomatoes

Target spot disease is present in numerous tomato fields across south Florida, according to the South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline. The disease is increasing in eastern Palm Beach County. It is present in most all of the tomatoes in the Manatee Ruskin area and will continue to worsen amid foggy weather and harvest activity. Target spot continues to move …

Heat Management Strategies for Tomatoes in High Tunnels

Web AdminGeorgia, Tomatoes, Top Posts

By Juan Carlos Diaz-Perez, Sudeep Bag and Tim Coolong Protected agriculture technologies such as high tunnels (HT) are increasing in popularity in the United States, particularly with small and organic growers. High tunnels, also known as hoop houses, typically have a pipe framework covered by a single-layer plastic film (4 or 6 mil thickness). In contrast to greenhouses, high tunnels …

Bacterial Spot: Tomato Disease a Problem in Various Fields in South Florida

Web AdminDisease, Florida, Tomatoes, Top Posts

A pair of tomato diseases are causing issues for South Florida producers. According to the South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline, bacterial spot disease has slowed in the Manatee Ruskin area but has flared up in other various locations. It continues to move up in tomatoes around Southwest Florida and is severe for some pepper varieties. Bacterial spot is reportedly …