Sweetpotato Sustainability: N.C. State Using Grant to Study Crop Pest

Web AdminNorth Carolina, Sweet Potatoes, Top Posts

Sweetpotato acreage in the U.S. has increased in recent years, particularly in North Carolina, America’s largest producer. North Carolina State researchers were awarded a grant to ensure sweetpotato remains a sustainably viable crop for years to come. NC State’s Craig Yencho, a William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor of Horticulture, leads a team of university scientists that have been awarded a $5 …

Caterpillar Update in South Florida

Web AdminFlorida, Pests, Top Posts

According to the South Florida Pest and Disease Hotline, scouts in southwest Florida continue to find southern and beet armyworms, tomato fruitworms, loopers, hornworms and melonworms. Worms are active in a variety of crops in the Manatee Ruskin area. There is an increase in armyworm egg masses, and melonworms are being found in cucurbits. Respondents on the east coast report …

Hops Research: UF/IFAS Scientist Discusses Challenges, Advancements of Crop

Web AdminFlorida, Hops, Top Posts

By Clint Thompson Hops research at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) is still in its infancy, but progress has been made. In fact, the main hurdle for hops to become a sustainably viable crop is for investment into a processing facility, says Shinsuke Agehara, UF/IFAS assistant professor of horticulture. “Even if we find a …

Bridging the Gap: Southeastern, Western Producers Need to Compromise

Web AdminLabor, Top Posts

Ag Labor Reform a Complex Issue By Clint Thompson A resolution to the lingering issue of Ag labor legislation starts with bridging the gap between southeastern growers and western producers. Bob Redding, who works for the Redding Firm and serves as a lobbyist for agricultural groups in Washington, D.C., discusses the impact that would be met if both sides could …

ABT Populations: Insect Not High Enough in Florida to Warrant Insecticide Use

Web AdminFlorida, Pests, Top Posts

Asian bean thrips (ABT) are at such low populations that growers are not recommended to apply insecticides at this point, according to University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. ABT have been detected via traps in southeastern Hendry County, at a rate of less than 0.03 ABT per trap per week. It is 1/10 of last year’s levels. They …

Current Temps Favoring South Florida Strawberries

Web AdminFlorida, Strawberry, Top Posts, Weather

By Clint Thompson Cooler fall temperatures are a sight for sore eyes for South Florida strawberry producers. Hopefully, it’ll lead to increased yields and enhanced fruit quality, says Vance Whitaker, strawberry breeder at the University of Florida Gulf Coast Research and Education Center. “Moderated temperatures in the fall, at least in recent years, have been hard to come by. It’s …

GFVGA Applauds Court’s Stay, Says Vaccine Mandate Brings More Uncertainty

Web AdminCoronavirus, Georgia, Top Posts

By Clint Thompson Count the Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association (GFVGA) as one organization pleased with a federal appeals court ruling, granting an emergency stay against the new requirement by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) that businesses with 100 or more workers be vaccinated. The Biden Administration attempted to curtail the COVID pandemic’s impact by implementing a …

Blueberry App to Soon be Offered in Spanish Translation

Web AdminBerries, Florida, Top Posts

By Clint Thompson The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Blueberry Growers Guide phone app pays dividends for producers needing timely information. It will soon be offered in a Spanish translation as well, according to Doug Phillips, UF/IFAS blueberry Extension coordinator at the Gulf Coast Research and Education Center. “We know some farm managers and other …

Alabama Extension Touts Crop Rotations

Web AdminAlabama, Fruit, Top Posts, Vegetables

By Clint Thompson Vegetable farmers hoping to reduce input costs should implement crop rotations. This management system helps protect against unwanted pests and diseases while reducing fertilizer and insecticide inputs, said Eric Schavey, Regional Extension agent in Northeast Alabama during the Alabama Extension Commercial Horticulture Webinar Series. “The main goal in crop rotations is to reduce the amount of the …

Blueberry Referendum: Voters vote in Favor of U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council

Web AdminBerries, Florida, Georgia, Top Posts

U.S. highbush blueberry producers and importers approved a national referendum that will continue the national research and promotion program. The referendum was conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS). In the referendum, 84% of those voting, which represented 93% of the volume of highbush blueberries, voted in favor of continuing the program. “Since joining the USHBC …