Contact: Becca Turner(229) 985-1968 x2228 Due to the cancellation of the 2020 Sunbelt Ag Expo show, plans for the selection of the 2020 Swisher Sweets/Sunbelt Ag Expo Southeastern Farmer of the Year Winner have been amended. Originally, this year’s judging tour was planned for August 10-14. Due to current health concerns, the tour has been postponed indefinitely. 2020 State Winners …
Commissioner Fried Pleads for Secretary Perdue Expand CFAP to Include More Commodities
Tallahassee, Fla. – Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried wrote to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue on Tuesday, once again asking the USDA to expand eligibility for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) to include additional agricultural commodities. On July 9, the USDA announced expanded CFAP eligibility that included many impacted Florida crops, but aquaculture and horticulture commodities were not …
CFAP Deadline is Aug. 28
Farmers impacted by COVID-19 and hoping to take advantage of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program have a little more than three weeks left before the Aug. 28 deadline. That is when the United States Department of Agriculture will stop accepting applications from producers. Through CFAP, USDA made available $16 billion in financial assistance to producers of agricultural commodities who have …
Broad Sequencing of Tomato Genomes Will Help Geneticists Breed Better Varieties
By Maria M. Lameiras for CAES News New technology has led to a greater understanding of how gene placement within the tomato genome influences gene expression and, therefore, the characteristics of the resulting plant’s fruit, a discovery that is important for breeders and producers. University of Georgia horticulture researcher Esther van der Knaap provided vital information for an expansive new …
Fungicide Resistance in Georgia Strawberry Fields
By Phil Brannen, Md Emran Ali, Jeff Cook, Sumyya Waliullah and Owen Hudson Anthracnose fruit rot disease, caused by fungal Colletotrichum species, is one of the most significant disease problems of commercial strawberry production in the Southeast. Dark, sunken lesions on fruit are the main disease symptoms (Figure 1). Hot, humid weather and significant rainfall make Colletotrichum-induced fruit rot a …
Grape Sustainability at Risk With Pierce’s Disease
Pierce’s Disease is wreaking havoc in grape vineyards in the Southeast. It is such a problem that University of Georgia Cooperative Extension plant pathologist Phil Brannen is concerned about the sustainability of some farming operations, especially as winter temperatures continue to get warmer. “Once you get above 2,000 feet in elevation, I have only rarely seen a single plant come …
Oak Extract Shows Promise in Fight against Citrus Greening
New research reveals a reduction in bacterial titer and starch accumulation in infected trees.
Clemson Extension Agents Provide Crop Updates
Clemson Extension agents provided updates in The South Carolina Grower this week about the status of various crops being produced throughout the state. Statewide Dr. Matt Cutulle reports, “Hurricanes or tropical storms can lead to increased seed dispersal from seeds that can be transported by wind and water. Two notorious weeds that come to mind when planning for hurricanes are …
Auburn Economist Skeptical About Upcoming Trade Hearings
Two hearings on Aug. 13 and Aug. 20 with the U.S. Trade Representative’s Office will provide growers from Georgia and Florida the chance to voice their concerns over unfair trade. However, one economist is skeptical about the potential impact these hearings will have. Adam Rabinowitz, Associate Professor and Extension Economist at Auburn University, points to the lack of coverage for …
Senate Passes Resolution Declaring July “National Blueberry Month”
July 31, 2020, Washington, D.C. – The U.S. Senate has passed a resolution designating July 2020 as National Blueberry Month, recognizing the contributions of the U.S. blueberry industry and acknowledging that purchasing blueberries supports farmers, jobs and the economy. The resolution echoes a proclamation from U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue in March. Senate resolution (S.Res. 656) was sponsored by …