By Clint Thompson One of the most vocal critics of Mexican imports into the U.S. is adamant that the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement will not help or protect vegetable or specialty crop producers. “No, that’s not a good deal for specialty crops. They didn’t really address our issues at all. That was not a good deal for us,” said Ryan Atwood, …
Clemson Extension Agents Provide Crop Updates
According to The South Carolina Grower, Clemson Extension agents provided updates on the status of fruits and vegetables throughout the state. In the Coastal area, Zack Snipes reports: “A week of unseasonably mild temperatures and damp conditions slowed things down a bit. The warmer weather this past weekend and this week should put things in gear again. Tomato spotted wilt …
Potential Second Wave of Pandemic Could Impact Vegetable, Specialty Crop Producers
By Clint Thompson The coronavirus pandemic struck in mid-March during harvest season for vegetable and specialty crop growers in the Southeast. Many fear a second wave of COVID-19 could strike again in October and November when temperatures start to drop. It is also when many producers have their fall crop in the ground. “The specialty crops would be where maybe …
NOFA Deadline for CFAP is Today
By Clint Thompson Today, June 22, is the last day for growers and industry leaders to submit information and data to the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) about crops to be considered for inclusion in the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). There is a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) where stakeholders and producers of other commodities can submit information and …
Asian Longhorned Beetle Found in South Carolina
According to The South Carolina Grower, the Asian longhorned beetle (ALB) has been found near Hollywood, South Carolina. The beetle is an invasive tree pest and mainly attacks maples, elms, willows and birches. Clemson Extension, Clemson Regulatory Services and USDA APHIS need help in detecting the beetle’s presence in the Lowcountry. The are native beetles that look similar to ALB, …
Red Node Disease in Beans a Potential Problem
By Clint Thompson Red Node Disease, aka Tobacco Streak Virus, was discovered in beans in a Florida vegetable field this spring. It’s vectored by thrips and could potentially be a problem for farmers this fall, according to Prissy Fletcher, University of Florida/IFAS Agricultural Extension agent for St. Johns County, Florida. “I have been here 14 months and since I have …
Cowpea Curculio Consistent Problem of Southern Peas
According to Alabama Extension, southern peas are commonly grown crop in the Southeast. Peas have many different pests such as aphids, thrips, leaf-footed bugs, stink bugs, and various caterpillar species. However, the one pest that causes growers the most trouble is the cowpea curculio. There are control remedies for most of these other pests, but the cowpea curculio has become …
Facts of the Flow: Lake Okeechobee, 2020 Year-to-Date
(SFWMD) — Here is the latest update on inflows into Lake Okeechobee for the calendar year to date. This data is provided by SFWMD’s DBHYDRO database. There has been no back-pumping into Lake Okeechobee from the Everglades Agricultural Area this year. Source: South Florida Water Management District
Start Work Now on Worker Protection for Next Season
Paul Allen, chairman of the Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association, encourages farmers to prepare now for next growing season with respect to worker safety. FFVA strongly urges every grower and farm labor contractor to implement these measures to the utmost of your ability. Download the checklist, review it, print it out and begin working now to designate a workplace coordinator …
Georgia Vegetable Growers Should Prepare Now for Harvesting
By Andre Luiz Biscaia Ribeiro da Silva for UGA CAES News As we approach the harvest season for watermelon, bell pepper, tomato, yellow squash, zucchini, cucumber, sweet corn and other crops, Georgia vegetable growers can move ahead and prepare seasonal workers to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 during harvest time. According to the National Watermelon Association, there was an increase …