Abnormally Dry Conditions Benefit Georgia Onion Producers Finishing Planting

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Abnormally dry weather conditions for Southeast Georgia have benefited Vidalia onion farmers who are trying to plant this year’s crop, says Chris Tyson, University of Georgia Extension Area Onion Agent at the Vidalia Onion & Vegetable Research Center in Lyons, Georgia. “Most growers are completely finished or they’re finishing up within this week or shortly thereafter. That’s a good thing …

UGA to Begin New Pecan Variety Trials in Southeast Georgia

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By Emily Cabrera for UGA CAES News University of Georgia faculty will begin a series of pecan trials this winter to help identify better management practices for growers. New pecan trees will be planted at the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences’ Vidalia Onion and Vegetable Research Center in Toombs County for research and demonstration purposes. Andrew Sawyer, southeast …

UGA Researchers Discover Genes That Allow Bacteria to Resist Onion’s Natural Defenses

Web AdminAlabama, Florida, Georgia, Onion, Top Posts

By Maria M. Lameiras for CAES News After years of building and analyzing sample collections, plant pathologists at the University of Georgia have identified the genes that allow a type of bacteria that causes onion center rot to resist onions’ natural defenses in a “chemical arms race.” The pathogen Pantoea ananatis can enter onions through the leaves — usually as …

UGA Extension helps Georgia Grown connect to consumers

Web AdminFruit, Georgia, Sponsored Content, Top Posts, Vegetables

By Maria M. Lameiras for UGA CAES News Like the moments before a race begins, dozens of staff with Georgia Grown and University of Georgia Cooperative Extension prepared to load thousands of pounds of fresh fruit and vegetables into hundreds of waiting cars and trucks stretched out in long lines at the Gwinnett Georgia Grown To Go event in Lawrenceville, …

Georgia Grown Continues to Gain Ground

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By Clint Thompson The Georgia Grown program continues to expand every year and highlights products grown in the state, like blueberries, pecans, milk and Vidalia onions. Its presence at events throughout the year, like the Sunbelt Ag Expo, allows the Georgia Department of Agriculture to showcase Georgia grown products, which help make agriculture the No. 1 industry in the state. …

Optimum ICD Holdings Acquires Generation Farms

Web AdminBusiness, Industry News Release

Optimum Agriculture (Optimum), a global agricultural company focused on land acquisition and management, announced that Optimum ICD Holdings LLC has acquired 5,587 acres of farmland, processing facilities and the trademark Generation Farms, as well as other assets in Tattnall and Toombs counties, Georgia, from Generation Farms, LLC and affiliates (Generation Farms). Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. From now …

Sneak Peek: April VSCNews Magazine

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The April issue of VSCNews magazine is packed with information for conventional and organic growers. Readers will learn about pest management methods and ongoing challenges faced by an organic commodity in Georgia in next month’s issue. An article by researchers with the University of Georgia and the U.S. Department of Agriculture — Bhabesh Dutta, Carroll Johnson and Jason Schmidt — …

Southeastern Growers Kick Off 2019 at Industry-Wide Conference

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Every year, the southeastern fruit and vegetable industry starts a new year together at the Southeast Regional Fruit and Vegetable Conference (SERFVC), and 2019 was no different. Thousands of growers, packers, shippers, industry leaders and educators gathered together in Savannah, Georgia, on Jan. 10–13 at one of the industry’s biggest regional events. Charles Hall, executive director of the Georgia Fruit …

GFVGA Welcomes New President

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The Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association (GFVGA) will welcome a new president in January. Aries Haygood — current vice president of the GFVGA, vice chair of the Vidalia Onion Committee and grower at M&T Farms — will succeed Mike Bruorton as GFVGA president. Haygood says he is excited to take his seat as GFVGA president at the start of …

Southeastern Agriculture Well Represented at PMA Fresh Summit

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The Produce Marketing Association’s (PMA) annual Fresh Summit took place Oct. 17-19 in Orlando, Florida. Every year, this huge summit brings members of the global produce and floral industries together to make connections and mingle with fellow industry professionals. Every year, southeastern agriculture has a huge presence at the summit, most notably in the Fresh from Florida and Georgia Grown …