UGA Researcher Part of Grant Studying Efficacy of Essential Oils in Organic Fruit Production

Web AdminBerries, Florida, Georgia, Organic, Top Posts

Organic agricultural production is increasing in Georgia. Jonathan Oliver, University of Georgia (UGA) assistant professor and small fruits pathologist, wants to help producers be more efficient by researching ways to protect organic blueberries from diseases. According to UGA Extension, the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture awarded a $2 million grant to the team of 15 …

Problematic Pests of Florida Strawberries

Web AdminPests, Strawberry, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

By Sriyanka Lahiri Several arthropod pests occur in strawberries in Florida during the various stages of the crop cycle. Cyclamen mites (Phytonemus pallidus), if present, originate from strawberry nurseries as hitchhikers on transplants. Thankfully, a very small percentage of growers reported a cyclamen mite infestation during the strawberry season of 2019–2020. Soon after planting, armyworms (Spodoptera spp.), twospotted spider mites …

Vidalia Onion Producers Wary of Center Rot

Web AdminGeorgia, Onion, Top Posts

It’s never too early for Vidalia onion growers to start thinking about bacterial diseases that are problematic this time of year; especially Center Rot. While Southeast Georgia is the perfect environment for onion production, it also presents different challenges for onion producers. There are many plant diseases that can impact production. According to a UGA Extension publication, during this time …

UGA researcher to study potential use of essential oils in organic blueberry production

Web AdminBerries, Georgia, Organic, Top Posts

By Josh Paine for UGA CAES News Organic fruit and vegetable growers want to meet the recent uptick in national consumer demand, but they need additional tools to battle pests and diseases that often accompany organic crop growth. One such tool may be the use of essential oils. That’s why the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and …

As Organic Food Sales Soar, Growers Look to Essential Oils to Suppress Pests, Diseases

Web AdminFlorida, Organic, Top Posts

By: Brad Buck, 813-757-2224,, 352-875-2641 (cell) Organic food sales topped $50 billion in the United States in 2018. Statistics from the Organic Trade Association tell part of the story of this growing market: Fruits, vegetables and other specialty crops combined to make up 36.3% of total organic sales —  up 5.6% from the previous year. Naturally, farmers want to …

Vidalia Onion Farmers Already Planning for Bacterial Disease Management

Web AdminGeorgia, Onion, Top Posts

Vidalia onion farmers are expected to begin planting the crop this week. Disease management is already on the minds of Georgia growers, following last year’s tough season with bacterial diseases, according to Chris Tyson, University of Georgia Extension Area Onion Agent at the Vidalia Onion & Vegetable Research Center in Lyons, Georgia. “We had some bacterial disease issues this past …

Tomato Growers Watch Out for Insects

Web AdminAlabama, Pests, Tomatoes, Top Posts

Tomato planting is currently underway across the Southeast. It is never too early to start thinking about insect pests that could hinder fall production in Alabama. According to the Tomato Insect Pests 101 video, Ayanava Majumdar, Auburn Extension Professor in Entomology and Plant Pathology, cautions growers to scout their tomato fields every week for pests and look for insects over …

Breaking the Insect Population Cycle in Vegetables with Dual Modes of Action

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By: Craig Campbell, Senior Field Market Development Specialist (Valent U.S.A.) Southeastern vegetable growers are fighting a tough battle against damaging pests like whiteflies, thrips and aphids. Valent U.S.A. is excited to announce that Senstarâ„¢ Insecticide is now available to control these tough insect pests in brassica, leafy, fruiting and bulb vegetable production. Senstar works by combining two effective modes of …

Clemson Extension Agents Provide Crop Updates

Web AdminDisease, Environment, Fruit, Hemp, Produce, South Carolina, Top Posts, Vegetables

Clemson Extension agents provided updates in The South Carolina Grower this week about the status of various crops being produced throughout the state. Statewide Dr. Matt Cutulle reports, “It is always good to control goosegrass even if it is past the critical period for competition with the crop. Lack of late-season control made hand-harvesting tomatoes difficult. Also, there will be …