Fertilization Keeps Watermelons ‘Happy’

Web AdminFlorida, Georgia, Top Posts, Watermelon

By Clint Thompson Fertilization remains a vital part of the watermelon production season up until harvest time, says Bob Hochmuth, UF/IFAS Regional Specialized Extension agent in Live Oak, Florida. “One harvest, every five to seven days let’s say, it’s the second and the third and the potentially fourth harvest that we need to make sure we’re taking care and keeping …

Georgia Farmer: I Believe Our Industry is Worth Fighting For

Web AdminExports/Imports, Georgia, Top Posts

By Clint Thompson Georgia vegetable farmer Bill Brim exudes passion when talking about agriculture. It’s all he’s known for more than 50 years. Brim directed passion and zeal toward the U.S. International Trade Commission during its hearing on cucumbers and squash in April. “I am here because I believe in Georgia farmers. I believe our industry is worth fighting for,” …

Alabama Agriculture Relief Program: Deadline is June 25

Web AdminAlabama, Top Posts, Weather

The deadline to submit an application for the Alabama Agriculture Relief Program (AARP) is Friday, June 25. The AARP provides USDA relief funds to growers who suffered losses due to Hurricane Michael. AARP will provide funds for necessary expenses related to the losses of pecans, horticulture crops and uninsured infrastructure damage related to the hurricane’s fallout when it impacted the …

Georgia Farmer: How Do We Stay in Business?

Web AdminGeorgia, Top Posts

By Clint Thompson The math is not adding up for South Georgia vegetable farmer Sam Watson. Input costs are increasing, especially with rare items like boxes and pallets. Yet, market prices remain low. “We have enough struggles dealing with cheap markets and labor problems, we shouldn’t have to worry about a box and a pallet,” said Watson, managing partner of …

Supply Shortage: ‘It’s Going to Get a Whole Lot Worse Before it Gets Better’

Web AdminFlorida, Georgia, Top Posts

By Clint Thompson One Florida farmer dodged the supply shortage that’s running rampant across the vegetable industry. But the fall season is not that far away for Wade Purvis, who farms in Immokalee, Florida and is part of the Farmers Alliance. “I know guys that are literally buying sawmills and going out in the woods, cutting logs and starting to …

Georgia Farmer: Labor Shortage to Have Snowball Effect

Web AdminAlabama, Florida, Georgia, Top Posts

By Clint Thompson Agriculture is not immune to the labor shortage epidemic in America. Farmers are struggling to obtain essential items that they once took for granted; pallets to ship the produce on; boxes to put the produce in; drivers to transport the produce. All can be attributed to the lack of a workforce, says South Georgia vegetable farmer Ricky …

FFVA Issues Statement Following Bi-Partisan Letter Sent to USTR

Web AdminFlorida, Fruit, Top Posts, Vegetables

On Wednesday, a bipartisan letter was sent to U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai calling for the United States Trade Representative to work with members of Congress to implement immediate trade relief measures for U.S. producers of seasonal and perishable fruits and vegetables. The letter was led by U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio and Representatives Mario Diaz-Balart, Darren Soto, Austin Scott, Bill …

Immigration Reform: ‘Agriculture Needs a Seat at the Table’

Web AdminFlorida, Georgia, Top Posts

By Clint Thompson The H-2A program remains essential to agriculture’s future. With little to zero domestic options available to work in vegetable and specialty crop fields, Southeast farmers have no other alternative but to utilize the workforce program. But its needs adjusting. It’s a cumbersome process, says Florida farmer Matt Parke. “It needs to be simplified. It is just the …

Fusarium Wilt on Rise in Watermelons

Web AdminDisease, Florida, Georgia, Top Posts, Watermelon

By Clint Thompson North Florida and South Georgia watermelon producers should not be surprised to see more fusarium wilt disease this spring. Weather has helped the disease be more problematic this year, according to Bhabesh Dutta, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension plant pathologist. “North Florida and South Georgia have the same issue in melons. We are two weeks or three …