Uncertainties for 2021 Growing Season

Web AdminAlabama, Coronavirus, Florida, Georgia, Top Posts

While 2020 is nearly in the books, farmers are looking ahead to 2021 with the same outlook of uncertainty they had this year following the coronavirus outbreak in March. There’s uncertainty regarding COVID-19 and a risk of not knowing if there will be another nationwide shutdown that could lead to more market disruptions like the ones that impacted Florida farmer …

Sneak Peek: December 2020 VSCNews Magazine

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By Ashley Robinson Georgia growers may recognize the man on the cover of the December issue of VSCNews Magazine. Stanley Culpepper, University of Georgia (UGA) Cooperative Extension Weed Agronomist, has more than two decades of experience working with vegetable crops. Learn more about Culpepper’s expertise and his impact on the vegetable industry in the magazine. Also discussed in the magazine are …

La Nina a Concern for Fruit, Vegetable Producers

Web AdminAlabama, Florida, Fruit, Georgia, Top Posts, Vegetables, Weather

A La Nina weather pattern is expected to last through early spring and bring warm and dry conditions to the Southeast. According to the Climate and Agriculture in the Southeast blog, Pam Knox, University of Georgia Extension Agricultural Climatologist, said that the NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center predicts a 100% chance of a La Nina through the winter and better than …

Lobbyist: We Have to Send a Common Message

Web AdminLegislative, Top Posts

One governmental lobbyist believes agricultural groups and organizations need to tackle issues together and not depend on Congress to devise its own playbook with topics that are trending across the country. This would lead to more touchdowns rather than missed opportunities. Bob Redding, who works for the Redding Firm and serves as a lobbyist for agricultural groups in Washington, D.C., …

Whiteflies Impacting Alabama Vegetables

Web AdminAlabama, Pests, Top Posts

This has been the year of the whitefly for vegetable producers in the Southeast. Even as they have been a problem for Georgia vegetable producers, they have also been a nuisance for Alabama farmers.   Ed Sikora, an Alabama Extension Specialist Professor in Entomology and Plant Pathology at Auburn University, said he’s seen quite a few whiteflies on some of …

Farmer’s Message Regarding Mexican Imports: It’s a Totally Different Playing Field

Web AdminExports/Imports, Florida, Georgia, Top Posts

All South Georgia vegetable farmer Sam Watson wants when competing against Mexican imports is a level playing field. Right now, that does not exist and has the Moultrie, Georgia farmer concerned about the future of the American farmer. “When you look at what we have to do from our cost of production standpoint and you look at our labor costs …

New Blueberry Variety Honors Benefactor, UF Alumnus Alto Straughn

Web AdminBerries, Florida, Top Posts

October 29, 2020 By: Brad Buck, bradbuck@ufl.edu When Patricio Muñoz developed the University of Florida’s newest blueberry variety, he wanted to name the fruit in honor of Alto Straughn, a longtime, strong supporter of UF’s blueberry breeding program. Muñoz decided to call the new variety the ‘Sentinel.’ “A ‘sentinel’ is a watcher or guardian,” said Muñoz, a UF/IFAS assistant professor …

Agricultural Acres Down Significantly Over Last 100 Years

Web AdminAlabama, Florida, Georgia, Top Posts

Agricultural acres have dropped dramatically over the last 100 years throughout the Southeast. According to stacker.com, Georgia and Alabama were two of the top four states to see their farm land decrease the most. Based on numbers from the United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service, Alabama, ranked No. 4 in decreased acres, had 256,099 farms in 1920 …

Alabama Extension Economist Tries to Clear Up Misconception about Hemp

Web AdminAlabama, Florida, Georgia, Hemp, Top Posts

A misconception between hemp and marijuana has Adam Rabinowitz concerned about how consumers view an up-and-coming agricultural commodity in the Southeast. Rabinowitz worked as an Extension economist at the University of Georgia before he moved to Alabama this summer to become an Auburn University Assistant Professor and Extension economist. At UGA, Rabinowitz helped conduct a survey to gauge consumer knowledge …