Beneath the Earth, the ‘Black Box’ of Soil Holds a Key to Crop Growth

Web AdminFlorida, Industry News Release, Research, Soil, Vegetables

IMMOKALEE, Fla. (UF/IFAS) — Like much of what lies just beneath the earth’s surface, soil microbes present a mystery. University of Florida scientist Sarah Strauss seeks to help untangle the web of intrigue surrounding soil microbes to improve agricultural production in Florida and globally. “There are microbial activities going on that we don’t exactly understand. It’s known as the ‘black …


Solutions Sought for Algae Woes

Web AdminFlorida, Industry News Release, Water

TALLAHASSEE (NSF) — Experts looking into toxic algae outbreaks that have exploded in state waterways want to know if anyone has a proven, innovative cleanup strategy that can be used. And they want to know quickly. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection is formally accepting information through July 15 on ways to prevent, combat or clean up harmful algal blooms …

Sneak Peek: July VSCNews Magazine

Web AdminAlabama, Florida, Georgia, Sneak peek, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

The 2019 Florida, Georgia and Alabama legislative sessions have officially wrapped up, and the July issue of VSCNews magazine will tell readers how agriculture fared in each state. Adam Basford, director of state legislative affairs for Florida Farm Bureau, discusses the successes and ongoing work in Tallahassee this session. Mary Ann Hooks, director of governmental affairs with the University of …

UF Researchers Seeking Higher Quality Mangoes

Web AdminExports/Imports, Mangos, Research, Top Posts

By Karla Arboleda The National Mango Board (NMB) funded an experiment at the University of Florida (UF) to look for better mangoes. Jeff Brecht, professor of postharvest horticulture at UF, has been testing several mango varieties for their response to the exporting process, their postharvest storage potential and their sensitivity to chilling injury. The goal is to find mangoes better …

Mexican Senator Misinformed on Antidumping Investigation

Web AdminIndustry News Release, Tomatoes, Top Posts

In a recent letter to the chairmen and ranking members of the Senate Finance Committee and the House Ways & Means Committee, Mexican Senator Gustavo Madero made some confusing and misleading statements. Senator Madero states that the termination of the Tomato Suspension Agreement was “due to the demands of some Florida farmers and their representatives in Congress.” In fact, the …

Georgia Crop Insurance Program Expands; Deadlines Approaching

Web AdminAgri-business, Legislative, Top Posts, Uncategorized

By Karla Arboleda Growers in Georgia will soon be facing deadlines to secure their crop insurance. The U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) Risk Management Agency (RMA) office in Valdosta, Georgia, is reminding growers of deadlines related to their crop insurance and new counties that have been added to the program. Davina Lee, USDA RMA regional office director, highlights important dates …

Farm Bureau Leader: UF/IFAS Analysis Shows the Destructive Effects of Mexican Farm Imports

Web AdminExports/Imports, Industry News Release

Gainesville, Fla. (FFBF) – A new economic analysis conducted by a University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) team has confirmed that Mexican imports have significantly harmed fruit and vegetable producers in the Sunshine State.  A steadily increasing surge of Mexican products has entered the U.S. domestic market during Florida’s peak winter seasons since the North American Free Trade …

The 2019 Georgia Watermelon Season Starts

Web AdminBusiness, Georgia, Industry News Release, Top Posts, Watermelon

America’s favorite summertime treat in stores now LAGRANGE, GA – Sweet, refreshing Georgia watermelon is in a store near you! The 2019 watermelon crop is expected to have the crisp, sweet flavor and high quality unique to Georgia watermelon.  Georgia growers report that after two years of unpredictable and extreme weather patterns, this growing season has been smooth. While initial …

Tomato Bacterial Spot Management Begins with Transplant Health

Web AdminFlorida, Tomatoes, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

By Gary Vallad Few diseases present a persistent year-to-year challenge to tomato production like bacterial spot. Under ideal conditions, the disease can cause massive defoliation leading to yield losses through lost photosynthetic capacity and fruit exposure to the elements. This increases sunscald and raincheck as well as direct fruit infection by the pathogen. DISEASE SPREAD AND SYMPTOMS Xanthomonas perforans is …