Web AdminWater

By Frank Giles The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced the latest attempt to define the waters of the United States (WOTUS) under the Clean Water Act. The final rule was announced on Dec. 30. The latest WOTUS definition is the third attempt that started with President Obama in 2015. President Trump replaced that …

Final WOTUS Rule Announced

Web AdminConservation, Water

By Frank Giles The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced the latest attempt to define the waters of the United States (WOTUS) under the Clean Water Act. The final rule was announced on Dec.30. The final rule restores essential water protections that were in place prior to 2015 under the Clean Water Act for …

Water Split in Pecan Crop Looming

Web AdminGeorgia, Pecan, Water

University of Georgia Extension Pecan Blog Increased rainfall combined with the current stage that the pecan crop is under spells perfect conditions for water splits. University of Georgia (UGA) Extension pecan specialist Lenny Wells cautions growers in the UGA Extension Pecan Blog that they will likely see fruit split on multiple varieties over the next couple of weeks. “The problem …

Proposed Changes to Ag Water Requirements

Web AdminSpecialty Crops, Water

By Taylor O’Bannon, Matt Krug and Michelle Danyluk In December 2021, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released its proposed changes to the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule (PSR) Subpart E, which covers agricultural water. Compliance with the requirements of Subpart E has been delayed, since December 2019, to allow FDA adequate time to identify more appropriate …

Water’s Importance to This Year’s Peach Harvest

Web AdminPeaches, Water, Weather

By Clint Thompson At least another month remains in this year’s peach harvest season for Georgia producers. Amid the current hot and dry weather, conditions have been ripe for minimal disease pressure. Phil Brannen, University of Georgia Extension fruit disease specialist, discusses the positive and negative impact that the prolonged drought is having on this year’s peach harvest. “For a …

Irrigation Showcase: UGA-Griffin Breaks Ground on Site

Web AdminGeneral, Georgia, Water

By Ashley N Biles for CAES News Industry professionals, homeowners and researchers will soon get a firsthand look at new irrigation technologies in action at a demonstration irrigation site being constructed on the University of Georgia’s Griffin campus. On March 28, workers broke ground on the project, which is a collaboration between the UGA Center for Urban Agriculture, UGA Cooperative …

Current and Future Citrus BMPs Getting a Closer Look

Web AdminWater

Word of a new Best Management Practices (BMP) manual and regulations being released this year has been causing a buzz among Florida citrus growers. The reason: phosphorus. With the passage of Senate Bill (SB) 712 (Clean Waterways Act) last year, Florida embarked on a legislative and regulatory path to address water quality issues plaguing sensitive ecosystems in the state, including …

Water Quality Concerns in Florida Stir up Citrus BMP and Phosphorus Questions

Web AdminWater

As blue-green algae makes headlines again this summer, fertilizer from farms and urban sources are again under scrutiny. Last year, the state legislature passed the Clean Waterways Act to address continuing challenges with water quality. The 111-page bill addresses agriculture, using biosolids as fertilizer, regulation of septic tanks, wastewater treatment systems, enhanced penalties, and other rules. It is part of …

Keeping Phosphorus on the Farm

Web AdminFlorida, Top Posts, Water

By Sanjay Shukla, Asmita Shukla and Alan W. Hodges Stormwater detention/retention systems or agricultural ponds can be used to convert the vegetation growing inside to a beneficial commodity while reducing phosphorus discharges. These are the findings of a study conducted by the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS). The study evaluated the environmental and economic feasibility …

FDA Proposal: Changes to FSMA Rule Will Enhance Safety of Water Used on Produce

Web AdminIrrigation, Top Posts, Water

FDA Proposes Changes to Food Safety Modernization Act Rule to Enhance Safety of Agricultural Water Used on Produce The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a proposed rule on Thursday that aims to enhance the safety of produce. It proposes to require farms to conduct comprehensive assessments that would help them identify and mitigate hazards in water used to …