Much of the dry conditions that developed in recent weeks in the Southeast remain in Florida and Georgia, while most of Alabama is drought free, according to Thursday’s release of the U.S. Drought Monitor. The majority of Florida’s dry conditions are concentrated in the southern part of the state. A severe drought is being experienced in parts of Glades and …
Hot and Dry: Weather Conditions Not Conducive for Pecan Scab Development
By Clint Thompson What a difference a year has made so far for Georgia pecan producers. Unlike last season when persistent rainfall forced growers to be active in their fungicide applications, this year’s dry conditions have allowed farmers to be more conservative in their scab sprays. “It could not be any better. Everybody should have their irrigation running,” University of …
What’s Happening? Clemson Extension Agents Provide Updates
Clemson Extension agents provide updates in The South Carolina Grower this week about the status of various crops being produced throughout the state. Weekly Field Update Coastal Region Zack Snipes reports, “It seems like everything happened all of a sudden this week. We are flushed with strawberries right now. I am seeing some anthracnose on berries as well as lots of …
Chilling Reality: Minimal Cold Temperatures Not Good for Florida Peaches
By Clint Thompson The future of Florida peaches rests with its ability to find footing in the northern area of the state. That’s the opinion shared by Jose Chaparro, associate professor in the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), who equates it to the situation being experienced in Georgia. “What’s happening is the best places to …
U.S. Drought Monitor: Dry Conditions Expanding, Worsening in Some Southeast Areas
Dry conditions are expanding and intensifying across Florida and Georgia, according to Thursday’s release of the U.S. Drought Monitor. Florida’s dry conditions are still isolated to the southern region of the state, from Monroe County and part of Miami-Dade County to as far north as Hillsborough, Polk and Osceola counties. A severe drought is being experienced along the southwest area, …
Florida Mango Supply Limited This Year
By Clint Thompson Count the Florida mango supply as a victim of a cold temperatures this year. Alan Chambers, plant geneticist at UF/IFAS Tropical Research and Education Center, said Florida mango supply will be extremely limited this year. “This is the first time that I’ve seen and from some of our historical knowledge, this just doesn’t happen very often. We …
U.S. Drought Monitor: Florida’s Dry Conditions Isolated to Southern Area of State
By Clint Thompson Rainfall has alleviated much of the drought in the Southeast. Dry conditions still persist in South Florida, while the bulk of drought in Georgia is isolated to the south-central and southeast regions of the state. This is according to Thursday’s release of the U.S. Drought Monitor. Florida’s dry conditions stretch to Monroe and Miami-Dade counties and as …
Storms May Aid in Transportation of Insect Pests
By Clint Thompson Most of Alabama has received its share of rainfall this spring. But with inclement weather, especially high winds, comes the potential for certain insect pests to be moved from field to field, says Ayanava Majumdar, Extension professor in entomology and plant pathology at Auburn University. “If there’s any moth flights that have already begun, these storms will …
Freeze Effect: Alabama’s Early Peach Varieties Impacted With Uniformity Issues
By Clint Thompson Alabama’s peach producers are about a month away from harvesting this year’s crop. A lack of uniformity is being observed in early peach varieties. It is a result of freeze damage, says Edgar Vinson, assistant research professor and Extension specialist in the Department of Horticulture at Auburn University. “(The crop is) looking promising. They did have some …
Georgia Watermelon Crop Stymied by Adverse Weather Conditions
By Clint Thompson Georgia’s watermelon crop is off to a sluggish start following cool temperatures, heavy rains and high winds in recent weeks. Ty Torrance, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension vegetable agent for Colquitt, Tift and Worth counties, describes the impact he has noticed in fields so far. “There’s a little bit of cold injury. The largest impact is everything’s …