Alabama Hemp Producers Tripled From Last Year

Web AdminAlabama, Hemp, Top Posts

The number of Alabama hemp producers has tripled this year. However, that does not necessarily mean acreage has increased as well, says Katelyn Kesheimer, Auburn University Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist. “Last year we had, just for comparison, about 150 licensed growers approved for 10,000 total acres. According to the (Alabama) Department of Ag, they think about 7,000 of those …

Brilliance Variety Popular Choice as Strawberry Planting Season Nears

Web AdminFlorida, Strawberry, Top Posts

Florida producers will soon be planting strawberries in a few weeks. The popular variety choice this year is expected to be Brilliance, says Vance Whitaker, strawberry breeder at the University of Florida Gulf Coast Research and Education Center, . Released in 2017, Brilliance provides growers fruit early in the season. It’s a desirable trait not all varieties are able to …

Proper Sanitation Remains Key Management Tactic Against Whiteflies

Web AdminPests, Top Posts, Vegetables

One of the best management tactics for vegetable growers when dealing with whitefly infestations is to get rid of any plants left in the field once harvest season is done. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension vegetable entomologist Stormy Sparks continues to preach proper sanitation to producers amid the worst whitefly outbreak in Georgia since 2017. “This is really for all …

Federal Agencies Outline Plan to Help Farmers of Seasonal and Perishable Fruits and Vegetables

Web AdminExports/Imports, Top Posts, Trade

Washington, DC — The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, the Department of Agriculture, and the Department of Commerce released a report today outlining the Trump Administration’s plan to address the threat posed by increased foreign imports to American producers of seasonal and perishable fruits and vegetables. The plan follows public hearings held in August where more than 60 witnesses …

Clemson Extension to Hold Virtual Strawberry Meeting

Web AdminSouth Carolina, Strawberry, Top Posts

Clemson Extension will host a virtual strawberry production meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 2 at 6 p.m. The Strawberry Grower 101 meeting will be geared towards new or beginning growers. Topics to be covered included cost and economics, timeline, plant selection and varieties available and fertility. Those interested can click here to register. All Clemson University sponsored in-person events have been …

Tomato Industry Expert: Inspections Running Smoothly

Web AdminExports/Imports, Florida, Tomatoes, Top Posts

Though Mexican exports of tomatoes have not reached the ‘peak’ season, inspections appear to be running smoothly and efficiently, says Michael Schadler, executive vice president of the Florida Tomato Exchange. The inspection provision, which was part of the Tomato Suspension Agreement established in September, 2019 between the U.S. Department of Commerce and Mexican tomato exporters, allows for the United States …

Sneak Peek: September 2020 VSCNews Magazine

Web AdminFlorida, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

The September issue of VSCNews magazine is packed with information about breeding updates and new varieties. Readers can see what’s new in strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and cucurbits. Breeding new varieties is a vital component to push agriculture forward. The University of Florida (UF) is a leader in the breeding industry. Recently, blackberries have emerged as an alternative crop in Florida. …

Clemson Extension Agents Provide Crop Updates

Web AdminSouth Carolina, Top Posts

Clemson Extension agents provided updates in The South Carolina Grower this week about the status of various crops being produced throughout the state. Coastal Zack Snipes reports, “We had between 4-6 inches of rain last week with daily thunderstorms. Growers are working the fields, getting ready for the fall crops to go in. If it happens to rain on Wednesday …

Supplemental Fumigation Strategies for Tomato Production

Web AdminFumigation, Tomatoes, Top Posts, Vegetables, VSCNews magazine

By G.E. Vallad, J. Desaeger, J. Noling and N. Boyd Vegetable and strawberry growers have long relied on soil fumigants to contend with various soilborne pathogen and pest complexes, as part of an integrated management strategy that includes crop resistance, cultural control and pesticides. However, with the loss of methyl bromide (MBr), many growers have struggled to maintain consistent soilborne …

Planting Season Nears for Vidalia Onion Growers

Web AdminGeorgia, Onion, Top Posts

Vidalia onion plants will soon be going in the ground across Southeast Georgia. Chris Tyson, University of Georgia Extension Area Onion Agent at the Vidalia Onion & Vegetable Research Center in Lyons, Georgia, pinpoints the week of Sept. 7 that some growers will start planting this year’s crop with most planting the week after. “After Labor Day, definitely there will …