Sweet Grown Alabama Director Advocates Buying Local

Web AdminAlabama, Fruit, Produce, Top Posts, Vegetables

Ellie Watson, Sweet Grown Alabama Director, believes when consumers support local farmers, it provides them with a source of high-quality produce that helps growers remain sustainable. “It’s so important for consumers to support local farmers because not only does that money help the local economy; we know that about 60 cents of every dollar stays in the local community when …

Grape Root Borers Detected in North Georgia

Web AdminAlabama, Georgia, Grapes, Top Posts

According to the UGA Extension Viticulture Blog, the grape root borer adults have been detected in north Georgia. Brett Blaauw, University of Georgia assistant professor in the Department of Entomology, confirmed that on Monday, they collected some adults in their pheromone traps in Lumpkin County, Georgia. Adults have started to emerge from the soil, and for the next few weeks, …

North Carolina Announces Delivery of Personal Protection Equipment for Agricultural Workers

Web AdminCoronavirus, North Carolina, Top Posts

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) is taking further action to prevent and respond to COVID-19 outbreaks among the agricultural workforce, delivering critical personal protection equipment for use by agricultural workers across the state. “Agriculture is vital to our economy and food supply and it is critical that we protect farmworkers and their families from this …

Sweet Grown Alabama Day Produces Sweet Results

Web AdminAlabama, Coronavirus, Fruit, Produce, Top Posts, Vegetables

Sweet Grown Alabama Day will forever be July 22. Kay Ivey, Alabama Governor; Rick Pate, Commissioner of the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries; and other agriculture leaders and farmers joined forces at the Alabama State Capitol on Wednesday to celebrate the launch of a new online searchable database, which connects Alabama farmers and families. The celebration was highlighted by …

Vidalia Onion Farmers Ready to Plant 2021 Crop

Web AdminGeorgia, Onion, Top Posts

Vidalia onion farmers will soon be planting next year’s crop. Chris Tyson, University of Georgia Extension Area Onion Agent at the Vidalia Onion & Vegetable Research Center in Lyons, Georgia, said producers have already ordered seed and will prepare land with fumigation and treatments in August. Seedbeds will be planted in September through the first of October. Low Supply in …

Scientists to Study Crippling Tomato Disease to Lay Groundwork for Prevention

Web AdminFlorida, Tomatoes, Top Posts

By: Brad Buck, 813-757-2224 (office); 352-875-2641 (cell); bradbuck@ufl.edu A destructive disease known as bacterial spot can ruin tomatoes anywhere it strikes. That’s why University of Florida scientists want to understand how the pathogen that causes the disease spreads and evolves on farms. A couple of quick statistics illustrate the importance of tomatoes to Florida’s agricultural economic sector: Fresh market tomatoes …

Federal Agencies to Hold Virtual Hearings on Seasonal and Perishable Produce

Web AdminExports/Imports, Florida, Georgia, Top Posts, Trade

Washington, DC — The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the United States Department of Commerce will convene virtual hearings next month to discuss foreign trade policies that may be harming American growers of seasonal and perishable produce. At the hearings, officials from the federal agencies will hear from interested …

FWA Annual Meeting Postponed Until 2021

Web AdminFlorida, Top Posts, Watermelon

In an email sent to Florida Watermelon Association members, President Mark Bryan confirmed that this year’s annual convention scheduled for November has been postponed until 2021. Next year’s convention dates will be Oct. 27-29 at the Rosen Hotel in Orlando, Florida.

Organic management methods for squash pests

Web AdminCucurbits, Pests, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

By Ayanava Majumdar, Rammohan Balusu and Neil Kelly Many pests feed on squash from seedling to harvest. They are generally broken down into two groups: the chewing insects and the sucking insects. Chewing insects of squash consist of common pests like cucumber beetle, squash vine borer larva and pickleworm. Sucking insect pests consist of aphids, squash bugs and whiteflies. The …