Cool Temperatures May Pose a Threat to Southeastern Ag

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Southeastern regions experienced some cold temperatures this past week, and it appears the cold is sticking around throughout next week. These temperatures pose a big threat to blooming fruit crops. After seeing high temperatures in February, some 10 degrees higher than the average, crops like blueberries and peaches may have some freeze damage as temperatures continue to drop next week. …

Hops and Root-Knot Nematodes

Web AdminHops, Top Posts

By Jaci Schreckengost As interest in hops as a southeastern crop grows, researchers are taking a look at the best varieties for growers and how to prevent certain problems. Johan Desaeger, an assistant professor of entomology and nematology at the Gulf Coast Research and Education Center (GCREC), said demand has continued to increase for hops. The GCREC is part of …

Blueberry Field Day Aims to Increase Grower Competitiveness

Web AdminBerries, Research, Top Posts

New varieties were a hot topic at the Florida Blueberry Growers Association’s (FBGA) spring field day. The event was held on March 7 at the University of Florida (UF) Plant Science Research and Education Unit in Citra. Ryan Atwood, a blueberry grower and vice president of the FBGA, says new varieties from UF will make Florida blueberries more competitive in …

Growers Can Get Help with High Tunnels

Web AdminNRCS, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

By Jaci Schreckengost The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has an initiative to assist growers with the installation of high tunnels in their production systems. Monica Jones, a district conservationist with the NRCS in Florida, said the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) offers a High Tunnel System Initiative to help growers with installing a high tunnel. The NRCS is an …

Effective Methyl Bromide Alternatives

Web AdminResearch, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

By Jenna C. Vance and Stanley Culpepper Effective alternatives to methyl bromide do exist for fruiting vegetable and cucurbit cropping systems in the Southeast; albeit these alternatives are much more complex than in the “golden” methyl bromide days. Growers need to be much smarter and more efficient in their decision-making process, and they need to better understand the factors that …

Crop Insurance, Immigration Debate Critical for Produce Industry

Web AdminLabor, Legislative, Top Posts

Crop insurance and the current immigration debate continue to be hot topics in the fruit and vegetable industry. Robert Guenther, senior vice president of public policy for the United Fresh Produce Association, recently discussed these issues with AgNet Media Founder and President Gary Cooper. They spoke during the recent Crop Insurance Industry Convention in Scottsdale, Arizona. “There’s diverse opinions on …

Southeastern Strawberry Pest Problems

Web AdminPests, Strawberry, Top Posts

Strawberries are starting to make their seasonal debut in the Southeast as Florida growers begin their harvest. After the harvest is a great time to reflect on issues from the previous season and look toward the next season. Rebecca Schmidt-Jeffris, assistant professor of entomology at Clemson University, recently gave a presentation on a strawberry pest that caused problems this past …

Florida Farm Bureau Closely Monitoring AG Act

Web AdminLabor, Legislative, Top Posts

John Walt Boatright, national affairs coordinator for Florida Farm Bureau, recently gave a presentation at the Florida Agricultural Policy Outlook Conference on the immigration debate happening in Washington, D.C. “Florida Farm Bureau has been monitoring the current immigration debate primarily because of the inclusion of Chairman Goodlatte’s Agricultural Guestworker Act, also known as the AG Act,” Boatright said. The AG …

When Will NAFTA Renegotiations End?

Web AdminLegislative, NAFTA, Top Posts, Trade

Renegotiation talks for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) began in August 2017. Representatives from the United States, Canada and Mexico complete the seventh round of talks on March 6 in Mexico City. John VanSickle, a professor of food and resource economics at the University of Florida, recently gave a NAFTA update at the Florida Agricultural Policy Outlook Conference. …

Organic Watermelon Research in Georgia

Web AdminCucurbits, Top Posts, Watermelon

By Jaci Schreckengost University of Georgia (UGA) researchers are examining different aspects of organic watermelon production to help give growers the best season possible in 2018. George Boyhan, professor and Extension vegetable specialist at UGA, said that aspects of organic watermelon production, such as breeding and spacing, are being studied. Having data on these subjects can help researchers give growers …