The Villages Grown Takes Local to the Next Level

Web AdminSpecialty Crops, Vegetables

By Frank Giles It is often said that real estate is all about location, location, location. The same can be said for the concept of local food systems. Farms being near the population they serve is a key element to success. There might be no better example of a prime location to establish a farm than The Villages in Central …

Keeping Florida Citrus Nurseries Viable

Web AdminCitrus

By Peter Chaires There are times when this column seeks to illuminate issues that might not be on the front burner of the collective industry consciousness. This is one of those times. Hurricane Ian’s destructive landfall and its unfolding impact on the industry will capture headlines for some time. The devastating impacts of HLB on citrus growers is highly visible, …

Florida Citrus Harvest is Underway

Web AdminCitrus

By Frank Giles Steven Callaham, CEO of the Dundee Citrus Growers Association (DCGA), reports citrus harvest got underway on Sept. 4. Brix in the tangerines being harvested are trending higher than last season, and he says that’s good news. “We are very pleased with the quality we are seeing this early in the season. As far as production is concerned, …