Vidalia Onion Leader: We’re Excited About This Year’s Crop

Web AdminGeorgia, Onion

By Clint Thompson Vidalia onion harvests are commencing across the Southeast Georgia region. Industry leaders are excited about the potential of this year’s crop. At least that’s the mindset of Chris Tyson, University of Georgia Extension area onion agent at the Vidalia Onion & Vegetable Research Center in Lyons, Georgia. “I think it looks really good. I’m excited, and the …

Vidalia Onion Field Day on April 6

Web AdminGeorgia, Onion

By Clint Thompson Georgia producers and industry leaders are invited to the annual Vidalia Onion Field Day on Wednesday, April 6 at noon. Chris Tyson, University of Georgia (UGA) Extension area onion a gent at the Vidalia Onion & Vegetable Research Center in Lyons, Georgia, discussed what people can expect when they attend the annual field day this year. “One …

Vidalia Onion Crop Recovering from Recent Freeze Event

Web AdminGeorgia, Onion, Weather

By Clint Thompson Warmer temperatures for Southeast Georgia are just what the doctor ordered for Vidalia onion plants still recovering from the recent freeze event. Cliff Riner, crop production manager for G&R Farms in Glennville, Georgia, said the crop’s progress was delayed by the sub-freezing temperatures on March 13. “One or two bad days of cold weather like that takes …

Vidalia Onion Field Day to be Held April 6

Web AdminGeorgia, Onion

Farmers and industry leaders are invited to the annual Vidalia Onion Field Day, scheduled for April 6 at noon at the University of Georgia Vidalia Onion and Vegetable Research Center in Lyons, Georgia. There will be a lunch, and attendees will be able to tour the research plots. The field day coincides with the beginning of harvest season. Georgia pesticide …

Vidalia Onion Growers Encouraged to Look Out for Downy Mildew

Web AdminDisease, Georgia, Onion

By Clint Thompson It is that time of year when Georgia’s Vidalia onion producers need to be monitoring their crop for downy mildew disease. It was not reported in any of the crop in 2021. But downy mildew is a concern every year for growers. It is mainly due to how quickly it spreads, says Chris Tyson, University of Georgia …

Growth Update: Vidalia Onions Further Along Than Previous Year

Web AdminAgri-business, Georgia, Onion

By Clint Thompson Normal harvest time for Georgia’s Vidalia onions is usually the beginning of April. That timeframe may be expedited a few days if the current growth of the crop is any indication. According to Chris Tyson, University of Georgia Extension Area Onion Agent at the Vidalia Onion & Vegetable Research Center in Lyons, Georgia, the progression of this …

Vidalia Onion Crop Update on Feb. 10

Web AdminGeorgia, Onion

Vidalia onion producers mark your calendars. There will be a Vidalia onion crop update on Thursday, Feb. 10 at the University of Georgia Vidalia Onion and Vegetable Research Center in Lyons, Georgia. The event will last from 10 a.m. to noon. UGA specialists and industry leaders will provide an update on the current crop’s status as well as any timely …

Better Now Than Later: Vidalia Onions Should Recover After Wind Damage

Web AdminGeorgia, Onion

By Clint Thompson High wind speeds a week ago bruised some of Georgia’s Vidalia onion plants. Fortunately, it happened now as opposed to two months later closer to harvest. That’s the feeling shared by Chris Tyson, University of Georgia Extension Area Onion Agent at the Vidalia Onion & Vegetable Research Center in Lyons, Georgia. “That bruising where the onions got …

Vidalia Onion Farmers Ahead of Planting Schedule

Web AdminGeorgia, Onion, Top Posts, Weather

By Clint Thompson Georgia’s Vidalia onion farmers are ahead of schedule in planting next year’s crop. The dry weather in the southeastern part of the state is a reason why, says Chris Tyson, University of Georgia Extension Area Onion Agent at the Vidalia Onion & Vegetable Research Center in Lyons, Georgia. “In a typical year, we’ll usually start around the …