FSGA Pleads for Continued Investment in AI in Farm Bill

Web AdminFarm Bill, Florida

By Clint Thompson Count the Florida Strawberry Growers Association (FSGA) as one organization that voiced its concerns during last Monday’s Farm Bill listening session in Newberry, Florida. Kenneth Parker, executive director of the FSGA, focused his talk on continued research into artificial intelligence when he spoke to members of the House Committee on Agriculture. “The Farm Bill can mitigate the …

Citrus Growers Speak Up at Farm Bill Meeting

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Citrus growers discussed their challenges and voiced their needs during a farm bill listening session held April 24 in Newberry, Florida. Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson (PA-15), chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, along with bipartisan members, including Rep. Kat Cammack (FL-03), Rep. Darren Soto (FL-09), Rep. Austin Scott (GA-08), Rep. Doug LaMalfa (CA-01) and Rep. Chellie Pingree (ME-01), listened to comments …

Florida Strawberry Grower: Food, National Security Are One and the Same

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By Clint Thompson Dustin Grooms is not just a fourth-generation specialty crop farmer in Plant City, Florida, he is an army veteran and proud American who recognizes the dangers this country is in if it does not prioritize providing more support to producers across the country. Grooms was one of the many speakers during Monday’s Farm Bill listening session. He …

Farmers, Industry Leaders Express Concerns During Farm Bill Listening Session

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By Clint Thompson Agricultural leaders and producers in the Southeast voiced their concerns and appreciation to members of the House Committee on Agriculture during a Farm Bill listening session held Monday in Newberry, Florida. The conference room at the University of Florida Food and Agricultural Sciences-Newberry location was standing room only as farmers and industry leaders representing the agricultural sector …

Voices Heard: Farmers, Industry Leaders Express Concerns During Farm Bill Listening Session

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By Clint Thompson Agricultural leaders and producers in the Southeast voiced their concerns and appreciation to members of the House Committee on Agriculture during a Farm Bill listening session held Monday in Newberry, Florida. The conference room at the University of Florida Food and Agricultural Sciences-Newberry location was standing room only as farmers and industry leaders representing the agricultural sector …

U.S. House Ag Committee Hosting Farm Bill Listening Session April 24

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The U.S. House Agriculture Committee will host a Farm Bill listening session in Newberry, Florida, on Monday, April 24. Glenn “GT” Thompson, chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, along with U.S. Rep. Kat Cammack and Rep. Darren Soto, will host the session. The U.S. Ag Committee is in the process of reauthorizing the Farm Bill. The listening session will …

U.S. House Ag Committee to Host Farm Bill Listening Session in Newberry

Web AdminFarm Bill

The U.S. House Agriculture Committee will host a Farm Bill listening session in Newberry, Florida, on Monday, April 24. Glenn “GT” Thompson, chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, along with U.S. Rep. Kat Cammack and Rep. Darren Soto, will host the session. The U.S. Ag Committee is in the process of reauthorizing the Farm Bill. The listening session will …

SCFBA Investigates Unfair Trade Within Farm Bill

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By Clint Thompson A contentious issue at the heart of specialty crop farmers in Georgia and Florida is one of the Specialty Crop Farm Bill Alliance (SCFBA)’s main core principles for the 2023 Farm Bill. It focuses on trade and foreign competition which has frustrated fruit and vegetable growers for decades. Kam Quarles, CEO of the National Potato Council and co-chair of …

SCFBA’s Recommendations for Farm Bill Highlight Unfair Trade

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By Clint Thompson A contentious issue at the heart of specialty crop farmers in Georgia and Florida is one of the Specialty Crop Farm Bill Alliance (SCFBA)’s main core principles for the 2023 Farm Bill. It focuses on trade and foreign competition which has frustrated fruit and vegetable growers for decades. Kam Quarles, CEO of the National Potato Council and …

Specialty Crop Farm Bill Alliance Issues Recommendations for 2023 Farm Bill

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By Clint Thompson The Specialty Crop Farm Bill Alliance (SCFBA), which comprises more than 200 specialty crop organizations representing growers of fruits, vegetables, dried fruit, tree nuts, nursery plants and other products, have released its recommendations for the 2023 Farm Bill. In a letter to Agriculture Committee leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, the SCFBA …