AFVGA Tour Visits Sites in Georgia, Florida

Web AdminAlabama, Fruit, Leafy Vegetables, Vegetables

By Clint Thompson The Alabama Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association (AFVGA) toured farming operations in Georgia and Florida last week. It allowed its attendees, young and experienced, to build camaraderie while learning from fellow growers in the Southeast. Blake Thaxton, executive director of the AFVGA, discussed the importance of the week-long tour, which included stops at Lewis Taylor Farms, a …

4Roots Farm: Connecting Local Farms with Urban Communities

Web AdminFruits, Specialty Crops, Vegetables

By Frank Giles Florida is one of the fastest growing states in the nation with a population of more than 22 million people. Urban centers like Orlando and the I-4 corridor are expanding into once rural areas. That sometimes creates friction between the farmer and newcomer, but it also creates opportunities and new markets for produce grown on the farm. …

Seminis Pepper Varieties Solution for Bacterial Leaf Spot

Web AdminVegetables

By Clint Thompson Seminis Vegetable Seeds (Bayer) has an answer for those pepper producers combating bacterial leaf spot disease. New varieties with disease resistance are critical for growers who are concerned that they are overusing imperfect fungicides. Andrew Scruggs, market development representative in North Carolina for Bayer Vegetable Seeds, discussed the situation facing growers. “You think about the Southeast United …

Tri-County Agricultural Area: Where Tradition Meets Technology

Web AdminAgriculture Technology, Citrus, Specialty Crops, Vegetables

By Frank Giles There are a few farming regions in Florida and around the country that have carved out unique identities and are quickly recognized by their names. The Tri-County Agricultural Area (TCAA) is one such place. Comprised of St. Johns, Putnam and Flagler counties, the TCAA has roots dating back to the very beginning of agriculture in the state. …

Take Precautions When the Heat Is On

Web AdminCitrus, Fruits, Specialty Crops, Vegetables

By Ashley McLeod-Morin Due to the nature of their work during the extreme heat of summer, those who work on farms are at a higher risk for heat-related illnesses than the general population. The Southeastern Coastal Center for Agricultural Health and Safety, led by the University of Florida, has compiled heat illness educational resources (see for farmers and farmworkers …

Local Support Essential to Sustainability

Web AdminSpecialty Crops, Vegetables

By Clint Thompson Education remains the key component in convincing American consumers of the value of supporting local farmers. It is an approach that is currently being underutilized, according to one Florida vegetable producer. “Most farmers, including myself, get caught up with kicking the tires and trying to make things work. But at the end of the day, you have …

Incorporating Grilled Vegetables in July 4 Cookouts

Web AdminUSDA, Vegetables

This July 4 should not just be about grilling hamburgers and hot dogs. Vegetables can work just fine on the outdoor grill, says Sandy Proctor, Extension food expert with Kansas State University. She discussed the idea of cooking fresh veggies this holiday season. “I think grilled vegetables are really an opportunity to show what you can do on the grill …

Grilled Vegetables: Another Option for July 4 Cookouts

Web AdminVegetables

This July 4 should not just be about grilling hamburgers and hot dogs. Vegetables can work just fine on the outdoor grill, says Sandy Proctor, Extension food expert with Kansas State University. She discussed the idea of cooking fresh veggies this holiday season. “I think grilled vegetables are really an opportunity to show what you can do on the grill …

What to Do About Pepper Diseases in Georgia

Web AdminBell peppers, Disease, Peppers, Vegetables

By Bhabesh Dutta Anthracnose in pepper is caused by a fungal group of pathogens belonging to mainly Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and C. acutatum. TWO TYPES OF ANTHRACNOSEAnthracnose in pepper is a common issue that pepper growers face, particularly after sun scalding of fruits. This type of anthracnose is called “secondary anthracnose” as the fungal pathogen needs some kind of injury to …