Putnam Hosts Listening Session on Hurricane Michael Damage

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By Gary Cooper Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam opened to a packed house in Blountstown, FL late Tuesday afternoon. Area residents participated in a listening session hosted by his department. Reviewing the latest information available regarding damage assessments, Putnam pointed out there has been devastating damage to many crops including some that have no established programs in place to help …

Alabama Extension Puts All Hands on Deck After Michael

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Hurricane Michael blew through the Southeastern region in early October. Vegetable growers in Georgia are still suffering from sunburnt peppers, and Florida growers are facing up to 100 percent crop loss. In Alabama, cotton seemed to take the worst hit in the southeastern corner of the state. Hurricane Michael also devastated greenhouses, cucumbers, tomatoes and several Alabama Extension research plots. …

Trends and the Future of the Legal Ag Workforce

Web AdminLabor, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

By Amy Wolfe Not a day goes by when discussions don’t swirl in the mainstream and social media spheres about immigration. The topic is polarizing at best. In agriculture, the need for a thoughtful, balanced solution is essential to ensure our ability to continue feeding the world. Notable to our industry is the proposal to modify the current agricultural guestworker …

Southeastern Agriculture Well Represented at PMA Fresh Summit

Web Admininnovation, Produce, Top Posts, Vegetables

The Produce Marketing Association’s (PMA) annual Fresh Summit took place Oct. 17-19 in Orlando, Florida. Every year, this huge summit brings members of the global produce and floral industries together to make connections and mingle with fellow industry professionals. Every year, southeastern agriculture has a huge presence at the summit, most notably in the Fresh from Florida and Georgia Grown …

Panhandle Growers See Major Losses from Michael

Web AdminCucurbits, Tomatoes, Top Posts, Weather

By Breanna Kendrick Hurricane Michael hit the Florida Panhandle hard. Farmers across this region have lost some, if not all, of their crops. Josh Freeman, associate professor of horticultural sciences at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences North Florida Research and Education Center in Quincy, surveyed the area of Gadsden and Jackson counties for crop damages. …


Family Farm Recognized for Environmental Leadership

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  Lykes Bros., Inc. was honored for its environmental stewardship with a County Alliance for Responsible Environmental Stewardship (CARES) award on Oct. 18. Lykes Bros. has grown a 500-acre Brooksville farm to more than 610,000 acres in Florida and Texas. A leader in agribusiness for more than 100 years, Lykes Bros. Inc. fully invests in responsible stewardship on a diverse operation. …

Sneak Peek: November 2018 VSCNews Magazine

Web AdminResearch, Sneak peek, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine, Water

Get in the know on H2O with the November issue of VSCNews magazine. Water is a crucial aspect of agriculture in the Southeast, and the November magazine will give readers an update on ongoing water issues and a new irrigation technology. As the Florida population grows, water resources become scarcer, creating a challenge for the state’s agriculture industry. Rich Budell, …

Labor Contractors Help Growers Use H-2A Program

Web AdminLabor, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

By Brian German Farms across the United States have been struggling for a number of years now to find and retain the amount of agricultural labor that is required for their operations. Many growers have switched to crops that can be mechanically harvested or simply require less labor. For the farmers who do not have that option, or remain dedicated …

Crop Diversification Considerations

Web AdminAgri-business, potato, Sweet Potatoes, Top Posts

By Breanna Kendrick There is a big push on nutrition in our nation right now, so it’s important that farmers are able to diversify to meet the demands of those seeking healthier diets. Wendy Mussoline, a University of Florida multi-county agriculture Extension agent for Flagler and Putnam counties, works with farmers who want to incorporate new crops into their production …

Making Connections at PMA Fresh Summit

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The Produce Marketing Association’s (PMA) Fresh Summit took place Oct. 17–19 in Orlando, Florida. Every year, this huge summit brings the global produce and floral industries together to make connections and mingle with fellow industry professionals. Cathy Burns, CEO of PMA, says the Fresh Summit is the perfect occasion to begin a new year within the produce and floral industries. …