Inside the University of Florida Blueberry Breeding Program

Web AdminBerries, Florida, Research, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

By Patricio Munoz and Doug Phillips The University of Florida (UF) blueberry breeding program has a long history of pioneering the development of southern highbush blueberries (SHB) that can thrive in Florida’s hot, humid climate. The breeding program focuses on developing varieties with high yield, good fruit quality and early ripening within a shrinking market window. The success of Florida’s …

Florida Native Plants — Tomorrow’s Fruits and Vegetables?

Web AdminProduce, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

By Kevin M. Folta Citrus originated in Southeast Asia, not Southeast of Orlando. Strawberries came from a chance genetic mix between a plant from the Mid-Atlantic States and a plant from Chile that crossed in France. Tomatoes originated in the Andes Mountains in South America, then made their way to Europe before coming back across the Atlantic to North America. …