Gene McAvoy, associate director for stakeholder relations at the University of Florida/IFAS, is speaking up about unfair trade practices. He’s one of numerous farmers and industry leaders in Florida who will testify in a virtual hearing today with the U.S. Trade Representative’s Office. The hearings, scheduled for today and next Thursday, Aug. 20, will provide the U.S. Department of Commerce …
Auburn Economist Skeptical About Upcoming Trade Hearings
Two hearings on Aug. 13 and Aug. 20 with the U.S. Trade Representative’s Office will provide growers from Georgia and Florida the chance to voice their concerns over unfair trade. However, one economist is skeptical about the potential impact these hearings will have. Adam Rabinowitz, Associate Professor and Extension Economist at Auburn University, points to the lack of coverage for …
How a Citrus Achievement Award Winner Deals with HLB and Diversification
Check out what Steven Callaham of Dundee Citrus Growers Association has to say in this exclusive Q&A.
FFVA Still Hoping for Celery, Watermelons to be Added in CFAP
The Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association (FFVA) did not get all of its wishes granted with the recent revisions to the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) by the United States Department of Agriculture. FFVA President Mike Joyner confirmed that there are two commodities that his organization hopes the USDA will include in Category 1. “The two commodities that we also …
FFVA President: Pleased With Decisions USDA Made Regarding CFAP
Florida’s fruit and vegetable (FFVA) growers were big winners in the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) decision last week to amend certain commodities to the list covered under the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). FFVA President Mike Joyner said almost half of the commodities that his organization petitioned the USDA for were accepted. “We’re pleased with the decisions that …
GFVGA Executive Director: Grateful For CFAP Revisions
By Clint Thompson The first round of revisions made by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to the commodities covered under the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) benefited Georgia’s vegetable producers. Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association (GFVGA) Executive Director Charles Hall was appreciative of the consideration given to the crops his organization petitioned for. “Some of our January …
USDA CFAP Revision “Big Deal” For Blueberry Growers
By Clint Thompson Thursday was a win for blueberry farmers, especially in Georgia. The crop was one of seven currently eligible commodities to be added to Category 1 of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program by the United States Department of Agriculture. According to the USDA press release, the USDA found these commodities had a 5% or greater price decline between …
Sneak Peek: July 2020 VSCNews Magazine
By: Ashley Robinson The July issue of VSCNews magazine focuses on a variety of topics, including machine harvesting of blueberries, strawberry pests and diseases and technology for vegetable production. Blueberry growers and packers are adopting the latest innovations and technology to reduce harvesting costs and put less reliance on contract laborers. Fumiomi Takeda, a research horticulturalist with the United States …
Fruit Splits, Yeast Rot Contribute to Tough Year for Blueberry Farmers
By Clint Thompson A difficult year for the blueberry industry, which started in Florida amid the coronavirus pandemic, continued in Georgia. Farmers reported fruit splits and yeast rot in their rabbit-eye blueberry crop. The result was a down year where packing houses closed because of the lack of quality fruit coming in. Excess Rainfall the Culprit? Jonathan Oliver, University of …
Blueberry Farmer Adjusts During COVID-19, Finds Success
By Clint Thompson COVID-19 struck in the middle of Denton Chapman’s U-pick blueberry season in Osceola County, Florida. Chapman had to pivot his business’ strategy on the fly and move strictly to a pre-pick operation. The customers responded favorably. “The pandemic started right when we were in the middle of our U-pick so we had to adjust,” said Chapman, with …