COVID-19 Update for Growers and Packers

Web AdminFlorida, Industry News Release

(UF/IFAS) — The CDC, FDA and USDA all agree “Currently, there is no evidence of food or food packaging being associated with transmission of COVID-19”, including imported foods and materials. FDA has issued guidance that if an employee tests positive for COVID-19 they “do not anticipate that food products would need to be recalled or be withdrawn from the market”. Citrus growers, harvesters, packers, …

Sneak Peek: April 2020 VSCNews Magazine

Web AdminSneak peek, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

By Ashley Robinson The April issue of VSCNews magazine is packed with information for both conventional and organic growers. Asian vegetables grow well in Florida and have the potential for high value in the market. As interest in these crops increases throughout the state, an article written by a group of researchers at the University of Florida (UF) – Mary …

Using Steam for Weed Management

Web Admininnovation, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

By Ramdas Kanissery and Yiannis Ampatzidis Weeds are a significant problem in horticultural production and must be controlled to maintain good crop yield. Concerns related to non-judicious use of herbicides, which include ground and surface water contamination and pesticide residues in food, have sparked public awareness and restrictions on herbicide use. For these reasons, alternative and integrated systems for weed …

Determining What It Will Take to Improve Water Resources

Web AdminEnvironment, Florida, Top Posts, Water

By Ashley Robinson Increased adoption of best management practices (BMPs) by agricultural producers is a potential tool for improving water resource conditions. However, the economic feasibility of this approach is largely unknown in watersheds connected to the Florida aquifer. The University of Florida (UF) has joined three other Southeastern universities in research efforts to help ensure water for agricultural production …

Tools for Tomato Weed Management

Web AdminTomatoes, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

By Nathan Boyd Weed management programs for plasticulture tomato production in the southeastern United States typically rely on an array of tools to achieve satisfactory weed control. This may include tools such as fumigants, plastic mulches, pre-emergence herbicides, post-emergence herbicides and hand weeding. THE CULPRITS Purple and yellow nutsedge can be especially problematic due to their ability to puncture the …

Muscadine Pruning: Mechanical vs. Hand

Web AdminGrapes, Top Posts

By Clint Thompson Pruning muscadine vines is a chore that growers are tackling now during the dormant period. With mechanical pruning and hand pruning both options, growers must make economically based decisions on how to proceed. “Sometimes mechanical pruning is the only option when hand pruning cannot be completed on larger acreages,” said Cain Hickey, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension …

Pointers for Peach Brown Rot

Web AdminPeaches

By Ali Sarkhosh Brown rot, caused by Monilinia spp., is one of the most economically harmful fungal diseases for peach and other stone fruit growers worldwide. Four Monilinia species have been found to cause brown rot. M. fructigena and M. laxa are two of the most common species found in Europe. Monilinia polystroma, an anamorphic species closely related to M. …

Freezing Temperatures Have Little Impact on Georgia Citrus

Web AdminCitrus, Georgia, Top Posts

By Clint Thompson Last weekend’s freezing temperatures in parts of South Georgia had no effect on the state’s satsuma crop, according to Lindy Savelle, president of the Georgia Citrus Association. The bulk of Georgia’s citrus crop — 80 to 90 percent — is satsuma oranges, a cold-tolerant citrus that can withstand temperatures as low as 15 degrees Fahrenheit. Savelle said …

Sneak Peek: March 2020 VSCNews Magazine

Web AdminSneak peek, Top Posts, VSCNews magazine

Weeds have always been a menace to growers. The March issue of VSCNews magazine will give growers tips on how to best manage these nuisances. Two articles in the March issue offer ideas for organic weed control. In the Organic Corner column, Parmeshwor Aryal, a postdoctoral associate, and Carlene A. Chase, an associate professor, both in the Horticultural Sciences Department …

Keeping Citrus Greening out of Georgia Groves

Web AdminFruit, Georgia, Top Posts

By Clint Thompson Citrus greening disease is not yet a problem in Georgia. Jonathan Oliver, University of Georgia (UGA) assistant professor and small fruits pathologist, wants to keep it that way. The disease that has impacted citrus production in Florida for more than a decade has only been observed in backyard plantings in Georgia. However, since the state is expected …